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BMW Drivers Club Melbourne

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  • 30 Sep 2024 5:00 PM | Anonymous

    Dear members,  

    Spring is here and the weather is finally starting to turn good for our drive days and members meetings.

    The month that was

    8 September saw a few of our members attending the NSW Superfest.  This looked like a fantastic event with lots of great cars and trade stands.

    17 September was our monthly meeting with our long-standing sponsors Zagame Auto Body.  For those who missed this event, it's a shame that you did.  This facility is larger than the MCG under roof top and houses some really luxury cars. 

    21 September was a night with a twist.  We attended the Black Rock House Paranormal Investigation tour for a very different night. We booked out both evening sessions, some experiencing signs of interaction with the spirits living in the house.  Jo experienced the spirit 'Thomas' calling out to Jo several times and moving through her, which Jo said was an odd feeling. Peter P also had some communication, which was interesting. Apart form the spirits, the house is a beautiful historical building to go and visit when you are next in the area.  Black Rock house do tours on the first Sunday of each month,  if it's something you're interested in

    29 September was the Distinguished Gentleman’s Drive. This annual world-wide event is run in support of Movember, a charity set up to promote awareness into men’s mental health and health issues in general, particularly prostate cancer, something that impacts more men than you may realise. It is important to say - if you or any of your loved ones are impacted by cancer, take the time to talk about it. You never know where you might find support in those around you.

    Looking ahead

    October kicks off with a large group of our members attending and participating in the E30 round at Phillip Island.  If you have nothing on 4-6 October, be sure to pop down and say hi to the guys and gals and cheer them all on. We will be there too supporting our members both DCM members and E30 members. If you can’t get down to the Island you can always watch the action on BlendLine TV.

    On 8 October we will be visiting Advanced Detailing which is owned by one of our club members.  This looks like it is going to be a great night with already a lot of members registering for this.  Registrations are essential to allow for catering. 

    10-13 October is Bathurst 1000. Sadly this year Jo and I won’t be attending as I have pending surgery and need to stay healthy and prepare for that. But we do have a few members up there officiating and our own Royce Lyne securing a drive in the Gazoo Toyota 86 round.  Make sure you tune in and cheer Royce on!

    On 19 October we are off to the Yarra Valley – starting at lunch time for a change and ending in the afternoon at a chocolate shop. Don’t miss this drive, it is going to be fantastic. We are also now using a new app for our drive events and want everyone that comes on our drives to download 'Tourboss'. It is a great resource for the club drive events and will help everyone to stay on track and safe on our drives. Check it out at

    25 October is the final round of E30 Racing for 2024 at Calder Park. We have organised something very special on the track from BMW.  Be sure to come check it out you will not be disappointed!

    29 Oct - 7 Nov sees our group of intrepid drivers off to Tassie.  Again, Jo and I will miss this one as well as this is a week after my surgery, and I will be laid up for a few weeks recovering.  I have looked over the trip booklet and it looks like a lot of great places will be visited. Jo won’t be there, but she will be co-ordinating everything from home with our new Tourboss App, which all will be using again and on all of our drives going forward.

    'What is Tour Boss?' you may ask.  It is an app developed for ease of driving, safety and sustainability for all. Single drivers will love this as there is no need for paper navigation notes - it will all be on the app.  If you are attending any of our drives this will be an essential tool because without this app, you won't get your navigation instructions. 

    Each car is also visible on the app and you can see where all the cars are and know who is driving in front or behind you.  For any further information give Jo a call on 0412661900 and she can talk you through.

    Date to remembers and put in your diary.

    • 9 November – Sandown Historic Car Display

    • 14 November – BMW Drivers Club Melbourne AGM 

    • 21–24 November – Challenge Bathurst - Officials required

    • 21 November – Motors and Masterpieces

    • 23–24 November – Challenge Bathurst - Still a few spots left

    • 8th December – Christmas Show and Shine – Cruden farm

    • 30 January – 3 February  – Bathurst 12 Hour - only a few spots left

    • 24 – 27 April – BMW Clubs Australia Nationals – Hosted by BMW Drivers club Melbourne

    Check out the calendar for our full list of events and to register for those listed above.

    2025 Clubs Australia Nationals

    We have been busily working and plannign for the 2025 Nationals. You can check out the website at All of the event details and booking info is there. We have had so many sponsors come on board so far. I’d like to thank all of them for their support of what will be a huge weekend of all things BMW.

    If you’d like to help us run an event at the nationals, there are links to register as a helper or official. Smash Property Investing have come on board to help cover the official’s apparel for the nationals. Thank you to Smash Property Investing we very much appreciate your support.

    We also welcome BMW Group Australia on board with the promise of lots of support for the nationals. We are very proud of our close association with BMW and look forward to seeing that association bloom at Melbourne BMW on the welcome night and across the weekend with special vehicles and personnel on hand to enjoy the weekend with us.

    Nationals merchandise is available for pre-order on the nationals website, so if you are planning on joining us, or would just like to order some of the event merchandise it is all there for pre-order now. Jo and I have been wearing the jacket and shirts on some of our recent events and they are great. I love the jacket, it's wind/weatherproof and warm for those chilly Melbourne mornings we could get in April.

    Thank you to the nationals team for all their hard work so far, its going to be a huge event, one to really remember.

    Club Permit Renewals

    We always ask that you be as organised as possible with your Club Permit renewals and don't leave them until the last minute. However over the next month or so, we do ask you to be a little patient. Please plan ahead and don’t leave getting a signature until the last minute.

    Lawrence is away in Europe for another month yet and I will be flat on my back for quite a few weeks, so please allow for it and phone first to make an appointment if you want to come down, as we might not be readily available, especially late October into early November. Your best option is post it to us or email the online form and we will get it back to you as soon as we can.

    Other news

    As I mentioned above, Lawrence and Shaaron are on a wonderful trip in Europe and we wish them all the enjoyment possible. We will get some great updates from them once they get back with them visiting BMW in Munich in October.

    Membership going up all the time, welcome to all the new and returning members, we hope you get everything you expect out of our club, and remember, it is your club too, so join in and don’t be afraid to let us know if you have any ideas or places you think we would like to go to. Always looking for new events to add to our calendar.

    Our Welfare team are working away in background. Thank you to those members that donate a little extra with their membership to help us help other members in their time of need. We help each other where we can, so if you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Team if you need support or help in any way.

    Anyone with an article about any of our events, please be sure to forward this to along with any high quality photos you may have.  Send them separate, please do not include the photos in your article.

    As for photos, if you have great photos from any of our events, please send to and we will add them in our photo gallery.

    Finally, some of you would have heard I am not well. I have prostate cancer.  The next little while will be hard time for Jo and I and our family, so I would ask you all to respect our privacy and if we do not reply to emails or messages straight away, we will, please be patient. Thank you to all that have sent me messages or calls of support, it is heart-warming to know we have so many that care about us. From 24 October I will be off air for a few days whilst in hospital then will convalesce at home for a few weeks.

    I will be back on deck, hopefully sooner rather than later, and with all Jo's care, we are still hoping to be at Challenge Bathurst to help run the team at the end of November.

    Thanks for being with us and I hope to see you at an event somewhere soon.

    Take Care out there.

    Graeme Bell | President

    BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.

    PO Box 81, Tyabb VIC 3913
    Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
    BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of: BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
    Motorsport Australia Affiliated Motorsport Club

  • 31 Aug 2024 5:00 PM | Anonymous

    Dear members,  

    Spring is nearly here, and we have had some amazing sunny and warm days. Soon we will be looking forward to the return of our twilight drives, which I can’t wait for! I just don’t know where the weeks and months go, being such a busy club has a lot to do with that, I guess. There always seems to be something on to join in with all our friends and enjoy the Club’s activities.

    The month that was

    On 6 August we started with our joint members meeting at new Club Sponsors, Doncaster BMW, which was a huge success.  We invited our friends from BMW Motorcycle Club Victoria to join us there too and we had a great turn out.  It was so nice of Phill, Lydia and all the staff, to stay behind and put on such an amazing night.  If you are in the area, be sure to pop in and say hi and let them know you are a BMW Drivers Club Melbourne member. They will be sure to look after you.

    On 11 August we were at Sandown for Round 5 of the Traction Tyres/Yokohama Drivers Championship.  The weather was brilliant and not long after the gates opened all the cars flooded in and we had an at capacity event.  Thank you again to all the helpers on the day and VFT for their flag marshals and officials who do a brilliant job.  We had some very experienced drivers there with their sons too - welcoming Steve Richards, Clay Richards, John Blanchard and Harrison Blanchard.  It was great to see the interaction between these well know drivers and their up-and-coming sons on the day.  We also have a lot of our members who are parent and child teams, and this is a great thing to see at these events. We really like to see the next generation of drivers coming to our events and continuing their family traditions.

    We also had our Racer Industries parade laps at Sandown, which attracted a large group and there were only smiles on the faces of all who participated in this event.  Thank you to our sponsor, Racer Industries, for the loan of the course car, this always looks great on the day and attracts a lot of attention.  If you need anything for the track, be sure to mention you are a member to obtain your club discount at Racer Industries.

    23-25 August was Round 3 of E30 Racing Championship at Sandown.  Again,  we saw a great turn out of cars and members both participating and supporting the category.  Thank you to all the members who joined us all over the weekend to cheer on the teams. BMW Drivers Club Melbourne are sponsoring the Driver of the Round this year for E30 Racing.  The winners so far this year are:

    • Round 1 at Winton: Benjamin Munro 
    • Round 2 at Phillip Island: Martin Taylor. 
    • Round 3 at Sandown: You'll have to wait and see when we get to round 4 at Phillip Island on 4-6 October!

    If you are thinking of heading down to Phillip Island to watch and would like to stay for the weekend, be sure to call Walter and his crew at Kaloha Resort, Cowes to get a great deal.  Be sure to mention you are a BMWDCM member. 

    On 25 August some of our members headed up to Broadford for Round 6 of our Traction Tyres/Yokohama Drivers Championship.  Our members love this track, and it was great to see them out there having such a great time.

    26 August was a special Zoom link to meet and learn from one of BMW's Visionaries.  Wow what a brilliant night.  It was so great to see so many of our members log in and enjoy Sydney born Dr Stella Clarke, talk us through so much.  What an amazing woman.

    On 31 August we all met to start the day at the Pancake Parlour in Fountain Gate for a hearty breakfast, before enjoying one of Peter Williams’ fantastic drives through the countryside to Wahalla.  Some of us joined the train ride which went for just on an hour, while others did the tour of the Mining tunnels.  This is a beautiful old town, almost standing still from the effects from time.  A real little gem and some of the roads to get there are awesome for our cars and drivers to enjoy.

    Next months events.

    On 8 September we have been invited to join our friends from BMW Drivers Club NSW at the NSW SuperFest. This is looking like a fantastic event with quite a few of our members already registered.  Registrations are still open, so it is not too late to enjoy the fun of the Sydney Motorsport Complex.

    On 17 September we join our long-standing sponsors for our September members meeting at Zagame Auto Body.  This is a fabulous state of the art facility, and we will get a private guided tour throughout their workshops and display areas.  Registration for this event is essential as you will need to put your car registration number on your booking form to be able to gain access to the venue.  Don’t miss out this should be a brilliant night.

    On 21 September we have our Black Rock Paranormal Investigation evening, which is nearly sold out.  As I am typing this there is only 2 spots left for the 8.30 group.  Lots of fun will be had on the night with two groups going through this beautiful historic building to enjoy the history of what is know as the second most haunted building in Melbourne with the old Goal being the first.

    Date to remembers and put in your diary.

    • 29 October - 7 November Tasmania Driving Tour.  This is going to be a fun filled event with some great driving roads but also some time for you to explore the wonders of the Apple Isle.  Registrations close on 7 September, so don’t miss out as once the ferry is full, you wont be able to register.
    • 9 November - Sandown Historics Car Display.
    • 14 November - BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Annual General Meeting – German Tivoli Club.
    • 21-24 November - Challenge Bathurst (Officials needed).
    • 21 November - Motors and Masterpieces.
    • 23-24 November - Challenge Bathurst Regularity – 16 spots left.
    • 8 December – Christmas Show and Shine – Family Fun Picnic.
    • 30 January 30 – 3 February – Bathurst 12 Hour - only 4 spots left.

    Check out the calendar for our full list of events and to register for those listed above.

    2025 Clubs Australia Nationals

    On 24-27 April 2025 we are hosting the 2025 BMW Clubs Australia Nationals. The website is now live for you to register at

    Be sure to get your bookings in soon at WestWaters, Caroline Springs as rooms are selling fast. This is going to be a fantastic event with so much for all to enjoy and take part in. If you haven’t been to a Nationals event before, this is one you need to get to and see what the Nationals is all about.

    We will be needing helpers and officials throughout the Nationals, as well as in the lead up to it, so please register your interest with Simon via and let him know what rolls and days you will be available to volunteer or help out.

    Other news

    It is simply amazing to see the membership still growing, currently over 820, and even with the current economic climate, members are still staying so loyal to our Club, this makes me so proud.  Welcome to all the new members, I look forward to seeing you out an about at an event real soon, I hope you enjoy what the Club has to offer, and you grow to love it as we do.

    Don’t forget that if you are interacting with any of our sponsors or supporters, let them know you are a member of the Club, and that their support is very much appreciated. Also keep an eye on the Club partners page, so you can make the most of your membership and give back those who support our Club. We truly appreciate the support we have from our Sponsors, and we try and give them value for their support, so please do use them for any of the products or services they provide.

    We are also trialling an exciting new app for our drives at the moment, once we have finished evaluating it and we take it up, it will take our drives to another level. Very excited to be at the forefront of using technology to make our events better, easier and safer for all involved. Watch this space. It will be a huge benefit to all that come on our drives.

    Our welfare team is working away in the background, helping out where needed. Remember we are here for you if you need a friend, a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen. We are very proud of our Team and the support they have, and continue to, give. Thank you to the Team. If you need anything, please reach out.

    Lawrence and Shaaron have now headed off on a well-earned vacation for the next few months, so if you have any club permit renewals be sure to email them to or post them to 4/244 Marine Parade, Hastings VIC 3915 with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and we will process them and get them back to you as soon as we can. Do not post them to Lawrence’s address, as he won’t see them for some months!

    I am not normally one to talk about myself, but some of you may have already heard that I am facing some health challenges at the moment. This may impact Jo and my ability to get to some of the club events over the coming months, but hopefully everything will be sorted out and we’ll be back at as many events as we are normally at in good time. Thank you for all the kind words and calls I have already received, the love and support you all offer is much appreciated and makes the journey much easier. Thank you all.

    Take care out there and I look forward to seeing you at an event somewhere soon.

    Graeme Bell | President

    BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.

    PO Box 81, Tyabb VIC 3913
    Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
    BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of: BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
    Motorsport Australia Affiliated Motorsport Club

  • 31 Jul 2024 5:00 PM | Anonymous

    Dear members,  

    As I am sitting here writing this, ready for the end of month newsletter, I have received an email advising us of the passing of the immediate past President of the BMW Motorcycle Club of Victoria, Bob Leggatt, over the weekend. It's such a shock to hear. Bob was a lovely man, and as President had helped us to bring the Car and Bike Clubs together at some of our events.

    Our very next event, in fact, is a joint event with the Bike Club at Doncaster BMW. Bob stood down as President at their AGM last month, after three years in the roll. It's very sad news and Bob will be missed by all who knew him. I have passed on our sincerest condolences, both personally and from our Club.

    It is a reminder again, to hug those you love a little tighter and cherish the moments you spend together with family and friends. You never know what the future will bring.

    The month that was

    With July done we are not only a month into the second half of the year but also halfway through winter, so the days are becoming longer again and a little warmer, when the sun is out. It has been a cold and wet winter so far, but this has not stopped us and our members enjoying our cars.

    We started the month on 6 July with Round 4 of our Traction Tyres/Yokohama Drivers Championship at Phillip Island.  It was lots of fun and an unusually sunny day, for Phillip Island in winter! It was a great day out, as always and it was great to get out and check out the new surface after the track was shut for resurfacing works through May and June.

    On 9 July BMW Group Australia invited Jo and I to the launch of the new M5 at their Mulgrave headquarters. It was a lovely evening and great to get up close and personal with the new M5 before it was released to the public. An amazing car, of course, 730hp, 1000nm of torque from its hybrid petrol/electric power plant through all four wheels, it’s just a pity we live in a nanny country where you can’t drive it like it should be driven. It will be great to see one on a track next year. Read more about it here

    On 14 July we attended Karting Madness at Braybrook with a large group, who enjoyed some fun inside and out of the cold with some great lap times and a lot of fun by all that came. Read Lawrence’s write up here

    On 20 July we had a weekend away with a great bunch of members for our Christmas in July at Winter Wonderlights at Sovereign Hill.  If you have never been, this is something young and old can enjoy. It is really spectacular. The weather even played along - although it was rather chilly, the light rain stopped in time for the light show.  After the show we had dinner at the Robin Hood Hotel in Ballarat. We ran a raffle with some nice prizes, raising $275 for Peter McCallum Cancer Centre. Sunday then saw us explore the area before meeting up for lunch at the Lake View Hotel for a delicious lunch before heading off in our various directions home.

    On 30 July we had our regular Drop in Donuts. This is always a greatly attended casual event with members joining together to just catch up for a chat about all things cars and donuts of course!

    Looking ahead

    August starts with a joint meeting at our newest BMW dealership partner, Doncaster BMW. On 6 August, BMW Drivers Club Melbourne and BMW Motorcycle Club Victoria will be doing a joint event at Doncaster BMW.  This is a spectacular dealership which hosts BMW, Mini and Motorrad.  Join us for a tour and to find out what great offers they will be sharing with all our members.

    11 August is Round 5 of our Traction Tyres/Yokohama Drivers Championship at Sandown.  This is a joint sprint and Kaos Custom Bikes Come and Try Day, plus we will also be doing the Racer Industries Parade Laps again as this went down so well in March.  Come and join us, whether you want to just do some gentle parade laps or go flat out against the clock. We will also have some of our E30 racing members on hand to take people for rides or chat about the series that will be racing at Sandown two weeks later.

    23- 25 August is E30 Racing Round 3 at Sandown. Come out and support our members that run in this fun series at the Vic State Racing Championships. It’s a great opportunity to see a real race meeting up close and be a part of the action in the pits.

    25 August is also Round 6 of our Traction Tyres/Yokohama Drivers Championship at Broadford with AROCA. There will be a few members up there having a blast around the Broadford circuit too, so it will be a busy weekend.

    31 August is our next family day out, this time a breakfast and drive to Walhalla, starting at the Pancake Parlour at Narre Warren. There are some awesome roads into Walhalla and then a narrow-gauge train ride and everything the old historic town has to offer. Always a great day out and it’s been a few years since last we visited.

    Looking beyond August

    Registrations for our next Tassie Trip – “the northern half” close on 7 September. If you want to come and have a blast around northern Tassie, get your registrations in ASAP. The last time we went to Tassie we had a ball and this one will be as much fun again. We already have quite a few booked in to come with us, so it will be another awesome week away.

    Challenge Bathurst registrations opens to the public on 1 August, so if you want to attend, get your entry in now. There are a lot on the public Challenge Bathurst wait list, but we can get you in if you contact us today.

    Officials are also needed too - you get free camping, 3 meals daily and a uniform. There are also hot laps on the Sunday after the event, weather permitted for first timers. It is a great event to attend as an official and a fantastic way to be a part of motorsport at this amazing circuit.

    Our Bathurst 12 Hour private suite in February is nearly sold out. There is only one queen room left at the accommodation venue in town and only a few spots left in the suite. Again, this is an amazing event to be a part of and to do it in style in the corporate suite with all your food and drinks included is definitely the way to go.

    Over the ANZAC Day long weekend in 2025 we are running the BMW Clubs Australia Nationals. This is a must do event, so get it in your calendar and join us for a long weekend of events with BMW Club members from all over Australia. We are nearly ready to launch the booking site for registrations to each event over the weekend. 

    We will be needing lots of volunteers to help run the Nationals as well as sponsors to come on board and help us make this a fantastic event to showcase our club and Melbourne to everyone coming to join us.

    Thank you to Melbourne BMW, Shannon's Insurance, Southern BM, Sonax Australia, Bell Motorsport, Sirene Sea Pearls, and Grip Auto Watches for coming on board so far. Your help and support is very welcome and will help us to make the Nationals an event to remember.

    Check out the calendar for our full list of events and to register for those listed above.

    In other news

    The welfare team is still working away in the background, supporting those of us that need a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen. We are a family and are more than happy to lend a hand in any way we can, just reach out if you need anything.

    Membership is still going strong. We welcome all the new members that have joined us this month and hope you enjoy your membership experience. The Club is yours, so join in and feel free to offer any suggestions you may have. We are always looking for ideas for events and helpers to run them, so drop us a line if you have an idea or want to put your hand up to help. We run a wide range of events, from casual catch ups to full on racing, so anything you want to do in the world of BMW you will find here. Please enjoy your time in the club.

    Thank you for joining us and being a part of our BMW family, I look forward to seeing you at an event somewhere soon.

    Graeme Bell | President

    BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.

    PO Box 81, Tyabb VIC 3913
    Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
    BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of: BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
    Motorsport Australia Affiliated Motorsport Club

  • 30 Jul 2024 1:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Goodwood Festival of Speed 2024, a storied event in the English county of West Sussex featuring a timed 1.86 km hill climb up the stately home’s drive, was ideal occasion for the world premiere of the new BMW M5 high-performance sedan in its seventh generation. It made its first public appearance as part of a spectacular line-up of vehicles that also includes the BMW M Hybrid V8 prototype endurance racer, the new BMW M4 CS and an array of classic machines from the motor sport history of BMW and BMW Motorrad.

    In honour of designer Marcello Gandini, who passed away in spring this year, BMW Group Classic will also be presenting the BMW Garmisch. This coupé is a rebuild of a concept car that Gandini had designed for coachbuilder Bertone but that then vanished without trace following its premiere at the 1970 Geneva Motor Show.


    Also produced in just a single example so far, the BMW Concept Skytop has an exclusive blend of aesthetic appeal and dynamic potency. This design study is making only its second ever public appearance, following on from its world premiere at the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este. An open-top two-seater, the BMW Concept Skytop symbolises the joy of luxury travel. With design details recalling classic models like the BMW Z8 and BMW 503 and a super-powerful V8 from BMW’s current engine line-up, it bridges the past and the present in hallmark Festival of Speed style.

    Read the full article here

  • 30 Jul 2024 12:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The BMW M5 is powering into a new era. With 40 years of history under its belt, the legendary high-performance sedan is entering its seventh model generation. And the executive model from BMW M GmbH now has an electrified drive system for the first time. A model-specific version of the M HYBRID system gives the new BMW M5 maximum output of 535 kW/727 hp and peak system torque of 1,000 Nm (737 lb-ft). The combination of a high-revving V8 engine with M TwinPower Turbo technology and an electric motor, plus power transfer courtesy of an eight-speed M Steptronic transmission and M xDrive all-wheel drive, enables acceleration of 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 3.5 seconds.

    Read the full article here

  • 30 Jul 2024 10:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Moving up in size from last month's slot cars 21 of us had so much fun racing go karts at Karting Madness Braybrook.

    It was great to see a wide range of ages, inluding one Junior who was able to join a Junior only session (so no "motivated" adults blasting past) in between the adult sessions.

    The format was two qualifying sessions and then two race sessions. We were split fairly randomly into the two qaulifying groups. Based on overall times for our complete group we were split into the two race sessions - one for the faster drivers and the other for the not so fast.

    With a grid start for each race and plenty of chances to overtake, and even more to get it wrong! there were some tense tussles and a lot of big grins.

    I was surprised to find myself P4 in the quicker race and even more surprised to make a blinder off the grid into P2 at turn one and going into turn two. Stupidly I went too defensive and tried a touch too hard resulting in a spin, causing chaos behind me for which I can only aplogise, and placed last by quite a margin coming out of turn two.

    Ah, the thrill of the chase! Overtaking is very satisfying and I was able to claw my way back to P4 at the end.

    Everyone had a tale to tell, a lot to laugh about and had a great time.


  • 2 Jul 2024 10:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Back in the ‘60s my friends and I spent a lot of time and money on slot cars, a relatively new product at that time.

    We started with out-of-the-box Airfix and Scalextric cars before enhancing their performance by re-winding the motors for extra power.

    We finished up with a chassis made from bonze tube built to a design published in magazines, “naked” motors wound by us by hand with the go-to wire size and supplier, the best-of-the-lot front axle assembly and one of two rear axle/gear set assemblies, topped off with a clear vacuum formed “blob” body which looked pretty close to the real car and painted on the inside for a nice shiny finish. A bit like a modern supercar build really.

    We had a big Scalextric track at school on a large board on pullies, lowered to rest on top of the bench vices in the metalwork room at lunchtime and hoisted up out of the way for lessons.

    We also had a home made track in a friend’s roof space using hardboard (masonite here) with slots cut by a router and aluminium tape for the conductors. This featured hills and dips and various bend radii and a tricky part situated rather too close to the narrow angle between rafters and roof tiles to enable speedy recovery if a car went off!

    Another bright design idea which didn’t work was a wet race simulation. The combination of water and electricity blew the lighting circuit we were plugged into.

    Things have moved on since then, in particular the robustness of the cars.

    Outlaw Slot Cars offer a great track design and fast cars which are very durable.

    The basics remain the same and one of the key features is having enough marshals to put the cars back on the track after the inevitable off.

    We used their 8 slot track with a nifty system to ensure that all competitors race on all slots so as to even things up.

    Each track is colour coded and you are allocated a start colour, a car and sheet of 8 coloured stickers. Simply put the correct sticker on your car and put it in the correct slot, find the control matching your colour and off you go.

    Every 3 minutes the competitors, and their car, change slots (and car stickers) with a rotation system which sees some as marshals and some as competitors but all getting 8 sessions on the track.

    In case you are wondering about the stickers, they are so the marshal knows which slot to put your car back into to!

    The challenge is to cover as many laps as you can in your 8 sessions, which means going as fast as you dare without falling off too often – as in real racing really but the consequences of an off are far less!

    The timing screens are a bit too small to easily see from the competitors position but they cleverly show not only how many laps you have already done but predict how many you will have completed after all 8 sessions. So, even as the number of sessions per competitor changes during the competition you have a target to chase.

    It was a lot of light hearted fun as the relative positions jockeyed back and forwards and some people persistently went off at the same place every lap, usually at high speed.

    In the end Alex (assisted by his 5 year old daughter despite her having some difficult seeing all of the track) covered the most laps (108, fastest 10.552), Andrew had the fastest lap (8.145 seconds but only 89 laps covered), and Megan had the best balance of those two (8.286 seconds and 100 laps). So not quite tortoise and hare.

  • 30 Jun 2024 5:00 PM | Anonymous

    Dear members,  

    With the June report we are halfway through the year already! Where does the time go?

    With events on nearly every week there is always lots to do and keep engaged with other members.

    The month that was

    This last month we had lots to keep everyone busy, stating with our Outlaw Slot Car Evening on 4 June. This was a car event of a different kind and by all accounts it was a great time had by all. 

    On 9 June we had Mornington Peninsula Drive Kings Birthday weekend. Our annual Kings Birthday Drive started with a very interesting visit to Peninsula Honey, where we had morning tea and learned all about bees and honey and I’m sure everyone stocked up on the delicious different varieties of honey on hand, I know we did! Then another of Peter’s wonderful drives all around the Peninsula, taking in the winter views to finish up at the Pig and Whistle Tavern at Main Ridge. Always great food and with so many of us on the drive we had the Theatre Room all to ourselves. Some of the kids on the drive put on an impromptu magic show too, which was a great bit of fun. It was a great day out and we couldn’t have asked for a better winter’s day for it.

    15 June was Round 3 Traction Tyres/Yokohama Drivers Championship and Kaos Custom Bikes Come and Try Day at Calder Park with Racer Industries Parade laps. What a day. There was a bit of fog on the way to the track, but it turned into one of those glorious sunny Melbourne days we love. Perfect for our first Calder Sprint and with a Come and Try group and the Racer Industries Parade laps as well, it was a great day out for everyone. Those that wanted to go fast and be timed had a ball in the sprint groups and passengers could go for a ride in the Come and Try or parade laps, a great way to experience all the different ways to get into doing Club Track Days. The Race Industries Pace Car laps are proving very popular and will continue at every event we run. It was a perfect practice for April next year when we hold the BMW Clubs Nationals and run the Track portion of the weekend at Calder Park. Thanks to all the officials that came and helped us run the day, is was fantastic to see so many giving of their time to support us. Very much appreciated.

    On 23 June we had a drive and visit to Trafalgar Holden Museum. An interesting drive again, thanks Peter, looping from Croydon to Trafalgar via some fun and twisty roads through the hills, perfect to start the day and have everyone arrive to a BBQ lunch supplied by the club and cooked up by yours truly with the assistance of Adrian White and the girls in the kitchen buttering rolls and bread for sausages. The Holden Museum has grown a lot since last we visited, and it is a fantastic display of our motoring and lifestyle heritage. We might be a BMW Club, but we are Australian and there is nothing more Australian that the history of Holden. So sad to see the company and name disappear, especially for me, as I worked for Holden as a test driver up until the day they announced they were closing down. But great that we can go there and see the displays of all the things Holden have done, from saddles to boats, guns to cars. If you missed the day, drop in and check it out.

    On 27 June we held our regular Drop in Donuts evening for the Geelong area. Ever popular and a great way to spend an evening looking at cars, eating donuts and chatting to friends about anything.

    28-30th June was E30 Racing Round 2 at Phillip Island. It was a cold winters weekend at Phillip Island for the second round of the E30 Racing Championship. Friday wasn’t too bad, a little damp, but a chance for drivers to get used to the new surface. Saturday was wet for Qualifying and with a big crash in the event before them in the latter part of the day their Saturday race was postponed till Sunday morning. Sunday was then a long day, being first event then two more races through the day and finishing last on the card, but with little rain on Sunday it actually dried up for the last race at least. Was a great weekend’s racing, but with a couple of off-track excursions in the wet, resulting in one of the long time drivers, and DCM member, Brian, shortening his E30 by a couple of feet, sadly. Other DCM members did very well, Martin and Zac, both new to racing E30s scored podiums in the races and for the round as well, even though Martin had a bit of an off during qualifying too, but we managed to fix him up and get him back out for the races. Young gun Royce was shining again, just amazing to watch him on track, a real star of the future. Other members Shannon, Andrew, Peter and Tristan had solid weekends in the trying conditions. Very well done to all of you. Also, great watching other DCM Members like Anton racing in other categories at the meeting too, always something to see and someone to cheer on. Great having all the E30 crew garaged together, the camaraderie and fun that goes on between races is awesome to see and a testament to the group and why we support E30 Racing as the next step up from doing Club Sprints. More than half the E30 members are also DCM members and come to our track days to help and instruct, so if you want to go the next step up from Club Sprints have a chat to any of them and they will be glad to help. Thank you also to the DCM members that give of their time to officiate at the State Race Meetings, it is awesome to see our members’ friendly faces helping to run the meetings. Also great having people drop in and see us in the pits, you are always welcome to come and have a chat and join us at these race meetings and see what goes on.

    It was, again a busy month indeed.

    Looking ahead

    Coming up in July we have lots to keep you busy:

    • 6 July - Round 4 of our Traction Tyres/Yokohama Drivers Championship, back at Phillip Island again. I'm hoping it will be a bit drier than last Saturday, but will be a fun day, regardless.
    • 14 July - Karting Madness at Braybrook. Another different type of Motorsport event, always fun!
    • 20 July - Christmas in July featuring Winter Wonderlights at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. A very popular event and one not to miss.
    • 6 August - Doncaster BMW members meeting with BMW Motorrad Club. Check out the latest dealership to come on board and support the club. We have some very interesting presentations planned for this night, so register to come and join us.
    • 11 August - Round 5 of our Traction Tyres/Yokohama Drivers Championship at Sandown, also incorporating a Kaos Custom Bikes Come and Try/ Driver Training group and the ever popular Racer Industries Parade Laps.
    • 29 October – 6 November - Tassie Trip V2 – the Northern Half. Get in for this week away, will be awesome to tour around the top half of the Apple Isle with a fantastic bunch of people.
    • 14 November - Our Annual General Meeting. We welcome you to volunteer for a committee role if you would like to help us the best BMW Club in the World.
    • 21 – 24 November - Challenge Bathurst. An absolute must for anyone that wants to drive one of the best tracks in the world. It is amazing! And one of the very few ways to drive the track at speed.

      Officials are also needed! If you want to get involved but can’t afford to drive it, then the next best thing is to officiate! It is a fantastic way to get involved at the best track in the country.
    • 30 January – 3 February - Bathurst 12 Hour in the BMWDCM Corporate Suite. Without a doubt, the best way to take in the best GT race in the country. Come and see BMWs battle the rest of the world in comfort with a great bunch of people.

    Check out the calendar for our full list of events and to register for those listed above.

    BMW Clubs Australia Nationals 2025

    Over the ANZAC Day long weekend in 2025 we are hosting the BMW Clubs Australia Nationals. Come and join us for one of the biggest BMW events in the country and see amazing cars and club members form all over come together for this bi-annual event that only comes to Victoria every 6-8 years. We need volunteers to help us run the event as well as People to come as attendees. See for all the information about this fantastic event and put it in your diary now!

    There are sponsorship opportunities available for the Nationals too, so if you have a business or a company you would like to showcase in front of a National gathering get in touch with Jo via we would love your support for this event, so come on board!

    We are supporting Peter MacCallum Cancer Research with the Nationals, as our preferred Charity. There is a link on the event website to donate if you’d like to too.

    Other news

    Membership continues to increase, even with the downturn in the economy, it is great to see so may still supporting the club or indeed joining us. Thank you for staying with us and welcome to those new members that have joined us this month. The club is yours, so make the most of what we offer and if there is something you think we should add get in touch and we will see what we can do. Always open to suggestions and offers of help to keep this the Best BMW Club in the World.

    We have an extensive range of BMWDCM merchandise available, so go to our web store and see what is in stock. The long sleeve cotton tops are back in stock, we couldn’t believe how popular they are but we have new stock in now.

    We are always looking for people to help with the running of the club, we have positions available if you have some time and skills. Someone to help with background web, internet, social media would be great. If you have some time get in touch please.

    There have been some issues with the Club Permit Scheme and online renewals. This is the preferred method of renewing your permit but VicRoads have had some changes and issues. We are working through it with them and hopefully it is being resolved now. If you have any questions, refer to the Club Permit section of the web site or email us via

    The welfare team are working in background helping members, as usual. A very important part of our Club network and they are there for you anytime you need help. Whether it be an ear to listen to a problem or you need someone to have a coffee with, we are there for you to help. Just reach out if you need anything at all. We are a big family, and we are there to look after everyone when you need it.

    I look forward to seeing you at an event somewhere soon.

    Graeme Bell | President

    BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.

    PO Box 81, Tyabb VIC 3913
    Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
    BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of: BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
    Motorsport Australia Affiliated Motorsport Club

  • 17 Jun 2024 8:36 PM | Anonymous

    Event date: 15 June 2024

    The day started for me at 7 am in the light fog – was there going to be any racing?? BMW cars appeared and I was marshalling at the intersection between the Thunderdome and the pits. A pile of cars in various states entered left to the Thunderdome and the good-looking tidy cars (mostly BMW’s) turned right to the pits. An interesting selection of cars and really appreciative people made the job exciting and interesting. BMW cars were joined by a couple of beautiful Porsches, Mazda MX5 and even a Subaru. The steady flow continued to around 8 am.

    Briefing for the Flag Marshalls took place outside the office – what a great professional group that look after all the racers.

    The main briefing started at 8:15 with all the information given to all the officials. A drivers’ briefing followed that.

    Jo had a great team helping with the registrations of competitors and officials.

    If you stand back, you can see the hours of work that goes on behind the scenes by Jo and Graeme (and others) to ensure that everything is well prepared for a successful event that is extremely well organised and just flows! How lucky is the BMWDC to have these people!

    My next job was to direct the cars down pit lane to the starting marshals waiting for them to organise them on to the Calder track. But before they even got to me a group of scrutineers has checked that every vehicle is safe for track use as is the driver!

    The cars enter the track and another group looks after them – timers, flags, race control, safety car, recovery, medics – all amongst the people behind the scenes ensuring the event flows along without you realising it. What a great job these people do – thanks to them.

    As the cars leave the track, I try to make sure that they can head back to the pits without being hindered.

    This happens for each group of racers and each time they go on and off the track.

    At lunch time there is a special chance for us mere mortals to have a parade lap which was actually laps to have a drive around the circuit. Graeme leads this after a briefing so we all know what to do = no passing and enjoy yourself. I enjoyed my drive and really appreciated being able to sample the track – thanks for organising this.

    Back to the sprints  – the cars came and went till around 4:30 pm.

    The pack up was next. Graeme and Jo are still there as many leave, making sure that all the required items are completed, all the equipment packed up and taken home. Helpers are there as well and are excused to go home.

    The day is over. It was cold at times but I appreciated the sun that appeared at times. The day was so interesting that you didn’t notice the weather.

    My final thoughts – come and have a go at these days. The come and try driving is an excellent way to sample motor sport and the parade laps a great way to see what it is like to drive on a track. Being an official is interesting and flag marshalling is a great way to be up close the racing. BMWDC is a great club and the members make the day very enjoyable even if you turn up in a Mercedes. Thanks to the organisers for a great day – I will be back again!

    Chris Houghton-Allen | Member #770
    BMW Drivers Club Melbourne

  • 13 Jun 2024 8:49 PM | Anonymous

    Setting out its stall as a textbook purveyor of driving pleasure for the purist, the new BMW M2 (fuel consumption, combined: 9.8 – 9.6 l/ 100 km [28.8 – 29.4 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 223 – 218 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G) raises the bar for compact high-performance sports cars in the premium segment. Indeed, it elevates the performance experience in this vehicle class to a whole new level. The new BMW M2 lines up with even more power, greater visual impact than ever and innovative equipment features. Front and centre of this fresh round of updates to the car is the 15 kW/20 hp added to its output: the high-revving six-cylinder in-line petrol engine with M TwinPower Turbo technology now tops out at 353 kW/480 hp. And then there are the new design accents for the exterior, an updated interior and the introduction of BMW Operating System 8.5 to underpin the latest generation of BMW iDrive.

    Setting out its stall as a textbook purveyor of driving pleasure for the purist, the new BMW M2 (fuel consumption, combined: 9.8 – 9.6 l/ 100 km [28.8 – 29.4 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 223 – 218 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G) raises the bar for compact high-performance sports cars in the premium segment. Indeed, it elevates the performance experience in this vehicle class to a whole new level. The new BMW M2 lines up with even more power, greater visual impact than ever and innovative equipment features. Front and centre of this fresh round of updates to the car is the 15 kW/20 hp added to its output: the high-revving six-cylinder in-line petrol engine with M TwinPower Turbo technology now tops out at 353 kW/480 hp. And then there are the new design accents for the exterior, an updated interior and the introduction of BMW Operating System 8.5 to underpin the latest generation of BMW iDrive.

    The package of updates for the elite compact sports car makes the first step into the world of high-performance models at BMW M GmbH even more attractive. The new BMW M2 takes its drive concept of a straight-six engine, six-speed manual gearbox (optional) and classical rear-wheel drive – a unique proposition among its rivals – to a new stage of evolution. In combination with its compact dimensions, chassis technology tuned perfectly for both everyday road driving and track use, and a state-of-the-art operating concept allowing individualisation of the car setup, this makes the new M2 ideally equipped to write the next chapter in the BMW M brand’s history of success in this segment.

    The new BMW M2 will be built alongside the new BMW 2 Series Coupé at BMW Group Plant San Luis Potosí in Mexico. It will be launched worldwide with a production phase-in from August 2024. More than 40 per cent of total sales will be recorded in Europe. The most important single market will be the USA, followed by Germany, China, Great Britain and Japan.

    Six-cylinder in-line engine with extra output and torque.

    As well as the raw power itself, the inimitable way in which the six-cylinder in-line engine delivers that power also plays a key role in the performance experience offered by the new BMW M2. The upgraded version of the engine for the new edition of the high-performance sports car shines an even more vivid spotlight on the linear delivery of power, sustained into the higher reaches of the rev range, that is such a hallmark feature of M models. Its maximum torque is on tap across a wide rev band between 2,650 and 6,130 rpm. In examples of the new BMW M2 with the optional six-speed manual gearbox (fuel consumption, combined: 10.2 – 10.0 l/ 100 km [27.7 – 28.2 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 231 – 226 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G), peak torque remains 550 Nm (405 lb-ft). And when power is channelled via the standard eight-speed M Steptronic transmission with Drivelogic, the figure rises to 600 Nm (442 lb-ft). The engine produces its increased maximum output of 353 kW/480 hp at 6,250 rpm, with revs topping out at 7,200 rpm.

    So that drivers can explore the engine’s upgraded performance characteristics with an even greater degree of intensity, further advances have been made with the accelerator mapping and response in all the drive modes selectable via the M Setup menu. As a result, the new BMW M2 offers noticeably more rapid reactions to the driver’s requests for acceleration – both when specified with the eight-speed M Steptronic transmission and with the optional six-speed manual gearbox.

    The ability of the new BMW M2 to offer further improved power delivery is rooted in an exceptionally strong technological base. Its 3.0-litre engine differs from the unit in the BMW M3/BMW M4 range in a few details only. The increased peak output figure of the new BMW M2 lends further weight to its leadership claims in the compact high-performance car segment. In addition, it now achieves parity with the manual variants of the new BMW M3 Sedan (fuel consumption, combined: 10.1 – 10.0 l/ 100 km [28.0 – 28.3 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 230 – 227 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G) and new BMW M4 Coupé (fuel consumption, combined: 10.1 – 10.0 l/100 km [28.0 – 28.3 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 230 – 226 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G).

    Racing expertise delivers smile-inducing performance.

    As well as its pair of mono-scroll turbochargers, an indirect intercooler and an electronically controlled wastegate, the M TwinPower Turbo technology of the straight-six engine also includes High Precision Injection, VALVETRONIC variable valve timing and Double-VANOS fully variable camshaft timing. The engine also has an array of details borrowed directly from racing car design and whose impact is most clearly evident in its lightning-fast response, appetite for revs and high performance capability in track use. These details include an extremely rigid crankcase with a sleeve-free, closed-deck construction, a forged crankshaft with lightweight design, cylinder bores with a wire-arc sprayed iron coating and a 3D-printed core for the cylinder head.

    The M-specific cooling system ensures the powertrain components maintain an optimal operating temperature even under heavy loads. The oil circuit is also designed to handle extremely dynamic driving situations. A map-controlled oil pump ensures reliable oil supply even under extreme longitudinal and lateral acceleration.

    The engine sends its drive power through an eight-speed M Steptronic transmission with Drivelogic as standard. The Drivelogic button integrated into the selector lever makes it possible to alter the transmission’s shift characteristics, with a choice of three clearly distinguishable settings. Both the selector lever in the latest M design and the gearshift paddles on the steering wheel enable sequential interventions in the gear selection process at any time.

    Drivers keen to blend an intensely engaging performance experience with even more direct interaction with the powertrain can specify the six-speed manual gearbox as an option. This links up with the Gear Shift Assistant, which uses engagement speed control to ensure slip-free operation when downshifting under braking into corners.

    Whichever form of power transfer the customer chooses for their BMW M2, the increased engine output shaves 0.1 seconds off its 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) acceleration time: the new BMW M2 records a figure of 4.0 seconds with the standard transmission or 4.2 seconds if specified with the optional six-speed manual gearbox. The increase in power also makes its presence felt over the 0 to 200 km/h (124 mph) sprint, delivering an improvement of 0.6 seconds in the case of the BMW M2 with eight-speed M Steptronic transmission (now 12.9 seconds) and also lowering the time posted by cars with the optional manual gearbox by 0.6 seconds (to 13.7 seconds). Top speed is 250 km/h (155 mph), but can be increased to 285 km/h (177 mph) with the optional M Driver’s Package. The dynamic power delivery is backed by an emotionally rich engine note conjured by the M-specific exhaust system with electrically controlled flaps.

    Visually impactful exterior design with fresh accents.

    Powerfully chiselled surfaces and athletic proportions mark out the pure-bred performance character of the new BMW M2, whose compact dimensions and wide tracks showcase it to visually dramatic effect.

    M-specific design features geared to the functional requirements of cooling air routing and aerodynamic balance accentuate the eye-catching appearance of the two-door car. A large, horizontal BMW kidney grille and the three-section split lower air intake optimise cooling of the powertrain components and brakes.

    The model-specific LED headlights are positioned towards the outer edges of the front end. In a tribute to the iconic BMW 02 models, they each have a single circular headlight that generates both low beam and high beam. U-shaped light guides at the lower edge of the headlights serve as both the daytime driving lights and turn indicators. Available as options are Adaptive LED Headlights with BMW Selective Beam non-dazzling High Beam Assistant and M lights Shadowline with dark inlays.

    The high-performance model’s profile is shaped by the elegant lines which have become a signature feature of the brand’s coupés. In combination with prominent side sill extensions and muscular wheel arches, this creates a compact two-door form with a richly sporting character. The new BMW M2 can also be ordered as an option with an M Carbon roof that not only reduces the car’s weight by around six kilograms, but also increases agility by lowering its centre of gravity.

    The rear apron of the new BMW M2 features a powerfully sculpted race-car-style diffuser. The exhaust system feeds into two pairs of exhaust tailpipes, which are positioned a significant distance from the edges of the rear end and also channel the racing genes of the M2 visually. The trims for the twin tailpipes are now finished in black as standard. The likewise black model lettering on the boot lid and radiator grille creates a particularly classy impression with its silver-coloured bordering.

    Significantly expanded range of exterior paint finishes; light-alloy wheels with a new design.

    Customers can order their new BMW M2 in a choice of three solid colours, five metallic shades and six BMW Individual paint finishes. The significantly expanded range includes the new Sao Paulo Yellow solid, Fire Red metallic, Portimao Blue metallic and Skyscraper Grey metallic variants. Plus, the selection of BMW Individual paint finishes for the new BMW M2 now also features Java Green, Voodoo Blue, Grigio Telesto and Twilight Purple.

    The new BMW M2 is fitted as standard with M light-alloy wheels in double-spoke design and with a Jet Black finish. Dimensions are 19 inches at the front axle and 20 inches at the rear axle. A new addition to the options list are M light-alloy wheels in double-spoke design and with the same dimensions, but finished in the colour Silver. They can be combined with track tyres if the optional M Race Track package is specified.

    New steering wheels and seat surfaces, M Carbon bucket seats now also available as an individual option.

    The most important interface between the driver and car – the steering wheel – has been newly designed, bringing a fresh look to the interior of the compact high-performance model. The standard-fitted M leather steering wheel of the new BMW M2 now has a flat-bottomed rim and precisely modified spokes. A red centre marker in the 12 o’clock position, gearshift paddles and the two M buttons for selecting individually configured vehicle setups project an intense racing car feel. An M Alcantara steering wheel is now also available as an option in the same design. A heating function is offered as an option for both steering wheel variants.

    The optional M Sport seats in Vernasca leather can now also be ordered in a red/black bi-colour variant. Added to which, the weight-minimized M Carbon bucket seats for the new BMW M2 are not only available in conjunction with the M Race Track package, but now also as an individual option. With surfaces in Merino leather, multi-way electric adjustment, removable head restraints and a facility for adding a multi-point harness, they optimise both the car’s comfort levels and its racing credentials.

    BMW Operating System 8.5, digital control for the climate functions.

    The M-specific content in the BMW Curved Display and optional BMW Head-Up Display enhances the cockpit’s progressive sports car aura. The fully digital screen grouping, made up of a 12.3-inch information display and a 14.9-inch control display, now provides the stage for the latest evolution of the BMW iDrive control/operation system based on BMW Operating System 8.5. The functions of the climate control system are now also operated digitally. The temperature and ventilation settings as well as the seat heating and – if specified – steering wheel heating in the new BMW M2 can be controlled either by touch using a special menu option in the lower area of the control display or by voice command with the help of the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant.

    This broad adoption of digitalisation leads to a further reduction in the number of buttons and controls in the cockpit and is accompanied by a redesign of the instrument panel. New adjustment controls for the air vent grilles in the centre of the instrument panel and on the driver’s and front passenger side of the cockpit allow the airflow direction to be adjusted using rotating and tilting movements.

    The interior trim elements in the instrument panel and centre console of the new BMW M2 come as standard in Dark Graphite matt. Interior trim elements in Aluminium Rhombicle Anthracite, M Carbon Fibre or new Fine Brushed Aluminium are available as an option.

    M-specific operating concept, extensive standard equipment.

    At the heart of the M-specific operating concept is the Setup button on the centre console. This provides direct access to the settings options for the engine, the standard adaptive M suspension, the M Servotronic steering, the integrated braking system working in conjunction with the M Compound brakes, and the M Traction Control function, which allows drivers to set individual intervention thresholds for wheel slip limitation. The Gear Shift Assistant of the optional manual gearbox is also activated and deactivated via the M Setup menu.

    Standard equipment for the new BMW M2 also includes three-zone automatic climate control, ambient lighting, a HiFi speaker system, a wireless charging tray and the BMW Live Cockpit Plus with BMW Maps navigation system. The likewise standard smartphone integration enables use of Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™. Semi-automated driving and parking systems that come as standard include front collision warning, Cruise Control with brake function, Speed Limit Info function with no-overtaking indicator, Lane Departure Warning and Park Distance Control with sensors at the front and rear of the car. Among the optional items available are the Driving Assistant, Active Cruise Control with Stop&Go function and the Parking Assistant with Reversing Assistant.

    Also on the options list are Comfort Access, an electrically operated slide/tilt sunroof and the Harman Kardon Surround Sound System. As well as the BMW Head-Up Display, the optional BMW Live Cockpit Professional in the new BMW M2 now also includes Augmented View on the control display.


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