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BMW Drivers Club Melbourne


Last updated: 28 September 2023

Event Terms and Conditions

All event attendees, whether members or not and whether the event is free or requires the payment of an entry fee, agree to comply with the Club’s Rules, By-Laws, Codes of Conduct and Policies as published on the BMWDCM website or attached to event entry documents.

Cancellation Policy


Booking venues and hiring equipment for functions is an expense that often requires an upfront commitment and/or payment, sometimes for a specific number of attendees.  In order to be fair to all Club members, your assistance is requested to ensure events are viable for the benefit of all.

Once the club has entered into an agreement with a venue or supplier for an event the club is bound by the terms and conditions specified in that agreement which may not allow refunds.

Please give as much advance notice as possible if your ability to attend an event changes.


If the Club cancels an event of its own choice, members will receive a refund in full. 

If the Club postpones an event of its own choice members will be offered the option of transferring to the re-scheduled event or receiving a refund. 

Otherwise, when an attendee cancels their registration for an event, if the Club can give a refund without financial penalty to the club it will do so.

Even in cases where a refund would not otherwise be provided under this policy, the Club will give special consideration to cancellations made in exceptional circumstances such as infectious illness or bereavement, for which proof may be required.

Failing to turn up for an event does not constitute a cancellation and will not be considered for a refund.

Cancellation Policy implementation

Refunds may not be available under all circumstances and each event notice should contain a cancellation statement outlining how this policy will be implemented for that event.

In some cases a processing or administration fee may be withheld from a refund.

Some examples of how this policy will be implemented are given below.

For events where the cost to the club is on a per attendee basis (with or without a minimum number of attendees):

  • Where an external supplier has been paid (eg a venue), or the club has otherwise incurred a cost, then if the Club can obtain a refund from the supplier that refund will be passed onto the member; or
  • Where an external supplier has not yet been paid (eg a venue), or the club has not yet incurred a cost, and no payment attributable to the attendee’s registration will be required (because, for example, the minimum number of attendees has been exceeded), then the Club will provide a refund to the member.

For events where a “per-venue” fee is paid (for example, race track hire) there is usually a date by which the club must commit to the event and/or pay non-refundable deposits. In these cases:

  • For cancellations prior to that date (to be specified in the event’s cancellation statement) a refund will be provided.
  • For cancellations after that date a refund will not be provided unless the event registration can be re-assigned.

In all other circumstances the Club will endeavour to secure a refund for the member.

Scenarios and suggested text to be attached to the event notice:

Scenario example

Cancellation Policy implementation 

Text to be included/attached to event notice with additional text withholding an admin fee as required

Winter Wonderlights, charged per person, paid in advance as registrations received, no refunds by venue.

No refund.

Refunds will not be available.

Go Karts, pay on the day for however many turn up but with minimum of, say 15. Venue requires a commitment before the event, say 14 days.

If the cancellation is received more than 14 days before the event, grant a refund. After that, no refund unless registrations take us to or over 15, which may mean deferring refund decision.

Cancellations made more than 14 days before the event will be refunded. Cancellations made less than 14 days before the event will only be refunded if the venue’s minimum attendance is reached.

Fox museum, need to book and pay for 40. Payment required 28 days before event.

If the cancellation is received more than 28 days before the event, grant a refund. After that, no refund unless registrations take us to or over 28, which may mean deferring refund decision.

Cancellations made more than 28 days before the event will be refunded. Cancellations made less than 28 days before the event will only be refunded if the venue’s minimum attendance is reached.

Track day, “commit date” xx days before event, track limit less any subsidised number agreed to in advance, say, yy cars.

If the cancellation is received more than xx days before the event, grant a refund. After that, no refund unless registrations take us to or over yy, which may mean deferring refund decision.

Cancellations made more than xx days before the event will be refunded. Cancellations made less than xx days before the event will only be refunded if the event’s minimum attendance is reached.

Track day, “commit date” xx days before event, track limit less any subsidised number agreed to in advance, say, yy cars with an admin, b Booking or processing fee component of say, $50.

If the cancellation is received more than xx days before the event, grant a refund. After that, no refund unless registrations take us to or over yy, which may mean deferring refund decision.

Cancellations made more than xx days before the event will be refunded less an admin fee of $50. Cancellations made less than xx days before the event will only be refunded if the event’s minimum attendance is reached and subject to an admin fee of $50.

SnS at Cruden Farm, a loss is expected.

Refund at any time before the day.

Cancellations accepted at any time with a full refund.

Motum Simulator, need to commit 7 days before event, participant limit 40, small loss acceptable, say 2 spots.

If the cancellation is received more than 7 days before the event, grant a refund. After that, no refund unless registrations take us to or over 38, which may mean deferring refund decision.

Cancellations made more than 7 days before the event will be refunded. Cancellations made less than 7 days before the event will only be refunded if the venue’s minimum attendance is reached.

Drive event with hotels or other venue fees collected during registration (eg Tasmania trip).

Refund in part or in full depending on what the various venue’s refund policy is and/or whether we can “sell” the spots to another member.

Cancellations will only be refunded in part and then only where the venue/supplier provides a refund to the Club. You should consider travel insurance.

Enchanted day out, the club pays on the day to get in, no capacity limit.

Refund at any time before the day.

Cancellations accepted at any time with a full refund.

Bathurst 12 hour, we commit to the booking when we receive registration, pay a deposit later and then the balance, both before the event.

Refund in part or in full depending on what the vendor’s refund policy is and/or whether we can “sell” the spots to another member.

Cancellations will only be refunded if  the venue/supplier provides a refund to the Club or we can transfer the booking to another member. You should consider travel insurance.

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