This is not just a BMW event, all brands are welcome. We want to raise an even bigger amount this year for this worthy appeal. Not just cars either - if you want to join us on your motorbike or even a push bike, we won't say no. This is a day to raise much needed money for the children.
It's time to bring out your pride and joy to help raise money for a more than worthy cause. If you are a member of another car or bike enthusiast club, please feel free to share this link with them too.
Raffle tickets will be sold on the day, with some great prizes to be won such as BMW lifestyle merchandise, vouchers from some of our generous sponsors and much more. We may even have something from the Easter Bunny if you are lucky.
We will have collection tins on the day for all donations. Alternatively, donations can be made direct to:
Good Friday Appeal BMWDCM
This year we will be doing a Coffee & Wheels day in Beaumaris at our favourite coffee shop in Melbourne.
Volunteers will be needed on the day to help with set up and also sell raffle tickets. Please contact Jo on and let her know if you can help out in any way.
All welcome - members, non members, all brands of cars and bikes.
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.Any questions? Contact Jo Mawson at or on 0412 661 900.
© 2024 BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc. All Rights Reserved.