A quieter month for BMWDCM in April with the school holidays and the Easter/ANZAC break.
Our month started with our April Members Meeting at Traction Tyres where over 40 members learned all things tyres. Thank you Andrew for showing us around and for the informative tyre lesson! Read about Jim Tucker's night here.

We then held our first birthday and presentation dinner at the Vincent, Albert Park. We had a wonderful night with many raffle prizes, show & shine awards, motorsport awards and the launch of our new annual magazine - idrive. All members should have begun to receive their copies now, we hope you enjoy the read! In the meantime, read more about our night here.

Over Easter was the BMW Clubs Australia Nationals event, held by BMWCCV. We were graced with beautiful weather for the weekend and it was fantastic to catch up with so many interstate BMW Club members.

Welcome to all our new members, we look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event!

Don't forget to catch up with this month's update from our President, Graeme Bell here.
We've got some great events planned for May:
- Sunday, 5 May
2019 Traction Tyres/Yokohama Drivers' Championship | Round 3
- Tuesday, 7 May
May Members Meeting with Mothers Car Care
Even if you are not into detailing there will be plenty of useful things to learn. Mothers will instruct and inform on their range which includes exterior and interior care. Of special interest to many will be a hands on demonstration of plastic headlamp restoration/cleaning/chip removal. Something we'll probably all need sooner or later.
- Saturday, 11 May
Pre-Mother's Day Drive
Join us for a fun pre-Mother's Day drive. We'll begin at McDonalds Whittelsea and head to Toolangi Tavern via Seymour and Yarck.
- Sunday, 26 May
Go-Karting at Auskarts Racing
For those who love an adrenalin fix, this event is for you!
Keep an eye on our calendar for events coming up, we’re always adding something new.
Click on any of the following events for more information.
idrive magazine
With the first edition of idrive now arriving to all of our members, we are already thinking about the next one. We'd love you to send us your stories to help put the next one together!
Have an interesting story about you or how you came to own your BMW? How about a story about a restoration or a build of your car? It could be anything! Email us now because we'd love to read it and share it with our members.
Edition 1 correction: We incorrectly printed Essendon BMW’s phone number on the inside back page. Essendon BMW can be contacted on (03) 9086 7200.
Our News | Blog page on the website is constantly being updated with not just club news, but everything BMW from all around the world! We welcome you to submit any articles of your own!
Club blog.
BMW around the globe.
Members are welcome to submit their business to be shared on the Member Services page on our website. We are all about supporting those who support us, so if you would like your business listed, email us with your details and we'll add you to the page!
The official BMW Clubs around the world are supported by BMW through its BMW Clubs and Community Management section of BMW Classic. Click here to subscribe to their newsletter.
As always, thanks for reading, we look forward to seeing you at an event soon!

President | Graeme Bell 0407 186 296
Vice President | Jo Mawson 0412 661 900
Secretary | Lawrence Glynn 0414 563 290

Treasurer | Shaaron Glynn
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
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