What better thing to do on a long weekend but join your fellow members on a fantastic weekend away experiencing the Australian Silo Art Trail.
Stating at Essendon BMW with coffee and cake we will then begin our weekend.

This is a joint drive of BMW Drivers Club Melbourne and clubMINI Victoria. The event is open to financial members of these clubs - along with family members and significant others.
The central feature of the trip is the Silo Art Trail in North-West Victoria.
We’ll leave from Essendon BMW/MINI on Saturday morning for a drive up to the Murray River at Barham. On the way we’ll stop off in some historic towns and even drive up a historic hill climb. That night’s motel is right near the Murray River in Barham, with a little time to explore along the riverfront and nearby lakes.
On Sunday we can visit a Catalina flying boat museum in a most unlikely location, stop off at a salt lake, and then head along the Silo Art Trail. We finish the day at a motel in Horsham with the option, if time permits, of a quick jaunt along the highway to the Pink Lake near Dimboola.
Monday takes us through the Grampians, with a mix of great driving roads and equally great scenery. After lunch we’ll cruise back home.

Registration & Booking Information
Rooms have been reserved at the motels in Barham and Horsham, but you will need to make your own bookings.
Details of the motels at which rooms have been reserved, so that you can make your bookings when you have registered for the trip.
Saturday, 8 June
cluBarham River Motel
Southern (river) end of Niemur Street,
Barham NSW
03 5453 2159
Book here.
Sunday, 9 June
Comfort Inn Capital Horsham
109 Firebrace Street, Horsham
03 5382 0125
Book here.
Reserved rooms are held under BMW Club Mini, so quote this when you book. The rooms are first‑in first-served and may not be reserved right until the last minute, so book early.
What to Bring
- Two-way radio
- Plenty of water for the daytime. We’ll be far away from major towns, especially on the Sunday.
- Food for lunch on Sunday - We’re not near sizeable towns until after lunchtime, so places may not be open.
The Barham Bakery (8 Melool St) is open from 6 am Sunday.
The IGA in Barham is open until 7 pm Saturday and from 8 am Sunday.
Our motel in Barham can arrange a snack pack for morning or afternoon tea.
(snack packs will be available to order for morning tea on Sunday at $15) see details on registration.
- Snacks for travelling and morning and afternoon tea. On the Sunday and Monday, places to buy snacks are few and far between.
- Camera.
- Rain gear, just in case.
Average June temperatures in Barham: max 15°, min 5° and in Horsham: max 14°, min 3°. Lunches, snacks and other costs are at individual cost at the time.
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
Any questions? Contact Jo Mawson at events@bmwdcm.com.au or on 0412 661 900.