Dear Members,
What a month we have just had, with some great events, starting with our April Members meeting at Traction Tyres. This was a brilliant night and was very informative. Great to see new members attending and selling out of some of our merchandise on the night. Thank you, Andrew, we have had some fantastic feedback from this night and we will love to come back again.
I attended the Clubs Australia AGM on April 7th and 8th on behalf of the Club, presented our Club report for the last year and heard what other clubs are up to around the country. We also spent a day at BMW Australia to talk to BMW about what we can do for them and they for us. I am very happy to report that BMW Australia are very happy with our Club and the way we have taken off this past year. Very proud to get an official pat on the back for all of us and the Club we have built!
The AGM was followed by our Presentation Night/First Birthday Celebration. What a fabulous night, with the event being sold out and having so many representatives from dealerships and many of the Club’s sponsors. The night went off with a bang, with awards being presented to some very deserving members. We will look for a bigger venue next year, I think. I would like to especially thank Jess Bell for all her amazing and tireless work throughout the year, with setting up our web page and maintaining it constantly and also her strong attention to detail with everything she presents.
We also had our new annual magazine launch on the night, idrive. Again, WOW! This was a major success and everyone who has received it so far has been blown away by its quality and content. Thank you to all the members who have contributed to this magazine with wonderful articles, thank you to our sponsors and advertisers and finally a massive thank you to Jess Bell and Leigh Kelly for producing this very professional magazine. All our members should receive theirs shortly, if they already haven't.
The winner of the competition for naming the magazine is David Francis and unfortunately, he could not make it on the night to be the first to know! Congratulations David, we appreciate your input and can't wait to see the feature on your car in the next magazine.
I would like to thank all the committee, who worked hard to make this an enjoyable evening and I am sure by all the chatting and laughter, that everyone had a great night.
The BMW Clubs Australia Nationals followed over Easter and this was also a great success with the weather being very kind and the sun shinning all weekend.
It was great to see so many BMWDCM members at the Sandown sprints and Show N Shine, some of our members coming away with trophies! Well done!
Some of us also attended the Flinders Historic Motoring Festival on Easter Sunday, and I am very proud to say we won Best Club Display. Not bad, considering it wasn’t really an official club event, as we didn’t want to clash with or distract from members going to the Nationals, still, great effort and we will do a bigger event next year for sure.
If you're signed up for automatic renewals with us, you would have received an email from Lawrence Glynn explaining that we are having a few issues with PayPal at the moment with accepting automatic renewal payments. We are working through this to try to fix it and we thank you for your patience.
If you are having any issues renewing, please give Jo Mawson a call on 0412 661 900 and she will be happy to assist with processing your renewal.
Membership is increasing daily, which is overwhelming and very humbling, currently at 384 and this again is thanks to our fantastic events, our web presence and social media updates. Thank you all involved with the running of the club and thank you to the members, as without you all, there would be no club.
Looking forward to seeing you at an event soon.
Graeme Bell | President
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.

P.O. Box 81, TYABB, VICTORIA. 3913

Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of:BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
CAMS Affiliated Motorsport Club