September kicked off with AROCA Sprints at Sandown, with a fantastic turn out of BMWDCM members and we were pretty lucky. The rain held off for most of the day and we managed to get most of our sessions in under dry conditions. Special thanks to Phil Kolar, who attends many of our track days with his son Blake, for cooking up a storm with Jo Mawson – the egg and bacon rolls for breakfast the sausages etc for lunch and coffee all day was fantastic!
Read more about the Sprint day here.

Our September members meeting was at Makulu Vehicle Storage. Thank you to Clive and Jesse for putting on a fantastic night.
Read more about our night here.

On 22 September we started our day at Brighton BMW's new facility with a guided tour and a scrumptious morning tea. We were then led to Healesville Sanctuary by Peter Williams on a fantastic drive for a fun day at the Sanctuary.
Some of our members also attended the VACC Centennial display in Bendigo. It was a beautiful day with 100 cars from 100 years.
Read more about the Centennial display here.

Welcome to all our new members, we can't wait to welcome you in person at the next event!

For more about our month, catch up with our September update from Graeme Bell here.
As we launch into spring, these are the events we've got coming up in October:
- Tuesday, 9 October
October Members Meeting at Essendon BMW
Join us for our October Members Meeting at Essendon BMW! Make sure you register and bring your membership card to be in the running for a door prize!
- Thursday - Sunday, 11-14 October
Join us to take part in the 2018 Motorclassica held at the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne. Even if you don't display your car, it's definitely worth attending!
- Friday, 19 October
Oktoberfest at Hawthorn BMW
Join us for our first Oktoberfest! Bring your German vehicle, dress in your best German outfit and come and enjoy some German themed food!
Keep an eye on our calendar for events coming up, we’re always adding something new.
8 Fest at Steeples, Mornington on Melbourne Cup Day
This is not just for the 8 Series Register but an open Show N Shine day for all members whether you have a BMW or not. Followed by lunch, some fun and games and watch the great race on the big screen.
Although we will be having a feature display of the spectacular 8 Series cars, we would like you to come along and bring your beauty. We are looking for special cars in the club to come out be shown off regardless of condition.
You can even choose to join us after for Lunch, Cup Sweeps and some fun in Steeple’s Restaurant. Click here for more information, to register and find out how we judge the winning vehicles.
Click on any of the following events for more information.
- 25 Nov Drivers' Championship round 3
Winton Raceway
(entries not yet available)
- 30 Nov - 2 Dec High Country Drive
- 9 Dec Drivers' Championship round 4
Phillip Island
(entries not yet available)
Our News | Blog page on the website is constantly being updated with not just club news, but everything BMW! We welcome you to submit any articles of your own!
Recent posts:
Minichamps are releasing a limited edition model of the Laser Racing BMW SRM GT3 M6 and you can order it here with us first!
These models are very limited, with only 400 being made so make sure you get in quick.
BMW Clubs Member Survey
You belong to the world’s biggest club organisation in the premium car and motorcycle segment. BMW Clubs Australia are conducting a survey of members and we'd love if you could take the time to fill it out! Find out more here.
We now have a Member Services page on our website for members to share their business with other members. We are all about supporting those who support us, so if you would like your business listed, email us with your details and we'll add you to the list!
* NB: this page is exclusive to members, you must be logged in to view this page.
We are very lucky to have received support from Bendigo Bank, Mornington. Bendigo Bank Mornington are offering fantastic deals for our members. If you're interested in finding out more about this new partnership, click here.

As always, thanks for reading. We look forward to seeing you at some events this month! If you have any feedback, don't hesitate to get in touch.
President | Graeme Bell 0407 186 296
Vice President | Jo Mawson 0412 661 900
Secretary | Lawrence Glynn 0414 563 290

Treasurer | Shaaron Glynn
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.