Dear Members,
In my last report I mentioned that we had nearly 200 members. At the end of August I think we came in at 197, but only 2 days into September we punched through at 204 and now as I’m writing this we are sitting on 227. We're so proud of what we have achieved in such a short period of time!
September kicked off with AROCA Sprints at Sandown, with a fantastic turn out of BMWDCM members and we were pretty lucky. The rain held off for most of the day and we managed to get most of our sessions in under dry conditions. Special thanks to Phil Kolar, who attends many of our track days with his son Blake, for cooking up a storm with Jo – the egg and bacon rolls for breakfast the sausages etc for lunch and coffee all day was fantastic! It's great to have our members come together in such a fantastic, friendly atmosphere. That's what it's all about!
Our September members meeting was held at Makulu Vehicle Storage. Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend because I was completing a CAMS Assessors course, but I'm told it was a great night. Thank you to Clive and Jesse for having us.
Speaking of CAMS, if anyone in the Club is interested in getting involved in Motorsport as an official, feel free to have a chat to Jo or myself about becoming a CAMS Licenced Official. It is a great way to get involved without putting your car on the track and there are opportunities to go to all levels of events - from club level right up to F1, V8’s or even Superbikes! There is a bit of a time commitment involved, but you get fed and watered all day and get closer to the action than anyone else!
We are very lucky to have the support of Bendigo Bank Mornington, who are offering great deals on loans for our members and refinancing. Anyone who is interested should speak to Amanda Stanford from Mornington Branch and mention that you are a member of our club, who in turn support us. What a great bank! They gave over a million dollars to community-based clubs in our area last year and hopefully this year, we can be one of them.
Head on over to our member services page to find out more information about what's on offer!
We had some other great events, like the Healesville Cruise and our outing to Bendigo to display our E30 M3 at the VACC Centennial Show and Shine. Be sure to take a look at our News | Blog page to read all about them!
Christmas is fast approaching now and we're looking forward to the next few months, with some great events planned:
A member's exclusive event - November Members Meeting at Shannon’s, featuring the new Police 5 Series.
Motorclassica and the Geelong Revival Displays.
BMWDCM 1st Annual Show N Shine – Featuring the 8 Series.
(All cars welcome, not just BMW)
High Country weekend drive with BMWDCNSW and BMWCC.
Also, with daylight savings coming next week and the warmer weather approaching, we are planning some casual evening meet ups so keep your eyes on emails and Facebook for that too.
We have also been busy looking at venues and talking to tracks about booking our own track days next year and I can let you know that we have some exciting news coming very soon!
If you have anything you think may be of interest to our members, please contact the committee and we would be only too happy to look it over and discuss it with you.
Graeme Bell | President
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
P.O. Box 81, TYABB, VICTORIA. 3913

Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of:
BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
CAMS Affiliated Motorsport Club