We kicked July off with our first Christmas in July event. We had the perfect winter's day with over 40 attendees, we started with brunch at The Royal in Mornington. We then went to Arthurs Seat, on to Flinders and finished in Hastings at the Marina for coffee, cake and of course, Christmas pudding. Read more and see photos from our day here.

We then had our July members' meeting at Shannons Insurance with the Victorian Flagmarshalling Team. This was a great insight into what it is like to get involved in motorsport without getting on track. Read more about the night here.

On 28 July we kicked off the first round of our Drivers' Championship! We had the perfect 25 degree day with Simon Lyne being the quickest BMW with a 1.06.6358. Read Royce Lyne's recap of his day here.

On 29 July we joined Mercedes Benz Club Victoria for Coffee & Cars at Lorbeks, Port Melbourne. Thanks to Chris from Mercedes Benz Club Vic for inviting us to attend! We were lucky to enjoy the day before the rain. Read more about our morning here.

For more about our month, catch up with our July update from Graeme Bell here.
As the days start to get longer and the weather begins to improve, we have some cruise and display events coming up in August:
Saturday, 4 August
Jindivick Cruise
Starting at the BP Roadhouse on the M1 at Officer – a regular starting point with coffee and facilities. We’ll meet by 8.45am for a 9.00am departure.
Sunday, 26 August
German Auto Day
The German Auto Day brings together the best German cars of Melbourne in one spot with some of the quirky, and now defunct brands being included.
It is not a concours, or even a show and shine, so any clean car is very welcome. Anything 1990 or older - the more the merrier!
It is a great setting, raising funds for a good cause, and with lots of interesting cars to look at and fascinating company.
Keep an eye on our calendar for events coming up, we’re always adding something new.
Click on any of the following events for more information.
- 1 Sep Drivers' Championship round 2
Sandown Raceway
(entries not yet available)
- 11 Oct Motorclassica
Royal Exhibition Building, Melb.
- 6 Nov 8 Fest Melbourne Cup Show & Shine
Steeples Mornington
- 25 Nov Drivers' Championship round 3
Winton Raceway
(entries not yet available)
- 9 Dec Drivers' Championship round 4
Phillip Island
(entries not yet available)
With the first of our Drivers' Championship rounds now run, our championship leaders are Simon Lyne, Chris Bell and Alex Jory.
Our Drivers' Championship rounds and results can be found
Go Kart Challenge
We are excited to announce our 2018 Go Kart challenge, which will be run by Elite. There will be 10 rounds with 4 endurance races, visiting Stoney Creek, Ace Karts, Hi Voltage, Karting Madness, Lemans and Phillip Island tracks.
Keep an eye on your emails for dates and more information about this championship!
Our News | Blog page on the website is constantly being updated with not just club news, but everything BMW! We welcome you to submit any articles of your own!
Recent posts:
Minichamps are releasing a limited edition model of the Laser Racing BMW SRM GT3 M6 and you can order it here with us first!
These models are very limited, with only 400 being made so make sure you get in quick.
We now have a
Member Services page on our website for members to share their business with other members. We are all about supporting those who support us, so if you would like your business listed,
email us with your details and we'll add you to the list!
* NB: this page is exclusive to members, you must be logged in to view this page.
As always, thanks for reading. We look forward to seeing you at some events this month! If you have any feedback, don't hesitate to get in touch.

President | Graeme Bell 0407 186 296
Vice President | Jo Mawson 0412 661 900
Secretary | Lawrence Glynn 0414 563 290

Treasurer | Shaaron Glynn
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.