Dear Members,
Another month down and the club is going from strength to strength. Events of all kind have been happening and lots of our members are coming along and enjoying the company of friends. It is so satisfying to have been involved in building something that everyone is enjoying so much. Very proud over here!
We are fast approaching our second century, with close to 180 Members and still growing every day. By the way, we are currently the 4th largest BMW Car Club under the Clubs Australia umbrella. Quite amazing and very happy that we have so many people that love what we do and want to join us.
We are working on some new ideas and hopefully soon will be able to run some different events we think our members will also love. Stay tuned!
Our merchandise is starting to come online now, our first and second batches of motorsport shirts have sold out and we have ordered more again, see the Online Store to check them out! Our lanyards and card holders are also in, those that have come to recent events will have been given theirs, others will be posted out as soon as our Secretary and Treasurer come back from their overseas trip this week. We are also working on car window stickers and windscreen banners, they should be available soon too.
Our Drivers' Championship has begun, with the first round run at Broadford with the Alfa Club last Saturday, with Simon Lyne taking quickest BMW time of the day with a 1.06.6358 followed by the E30 race cars of Chris Bell, Alex Jory, Paul Kertes, Myself, Blake Kolar and Simon Leach - all within a couple of seconds of each other. Igor Kay, Rachael Kertes and Rod Martin all also improved through the day. We couldn’t have asked for a better day, the sun was out and almost cracked 25 degrees! Perfect for driving around in the countryside.
Round 2 is at Sandown on 1 September so if you want to come along let me know and I will send you an entry form. Even if you just want to come and have a look and see what goes on, you are more than welcome to come and join us for a sausage or a coffee.
Look forward to catching up with you all one way or another over the coming months, and don’t forget, we are always available for our members by phone, email or facebook. If you have questions about anything, from club plates to upcoming events or motorsport, always happy to chat.
Graeme Bell | President
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
P.O. Box 81, TYABB, VICTORIA. 3913

Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of:
BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
CAMS Affiliated Motorsport Club