The BMW E30 was the first BMW that I have driven and owned. Over the years, I have had a collection of various BMWs, but the E30 always has the soft spot for me.
Recently, I just picked up racing as a casual sport and I always admired the BMW E30 DTM racing from videos and pictures. After moving from Malaysia to Australia, I found out about E30 racing via Google and thought I'd give a try. I joined BMW Drivers Club Melbourne as they also offer a pathway into BMW motorsport racing.
When I met Graeme, he gave me a very clear guidance on how to start racing in Melbourne and also gave me information about BMW E30 Racing. So, my journey as a casual racer begins with BMWDCM and Bell Motorsport.
Graeme gave me a very comprehensive information on how to get my gear (helmet, race suit, etc), renting one the BMW E30 race cars, club events, getting my CAMS license and race events. In fact, Graeme was very resourceful as I managed to convert my Malaysian National race license to a Motorsport Australia license. This includes getting my medical examination for the Motorsport Australia license as well.
I had my first race in December with E30 Racing. I did my personal best but still far behind many of the others. After 2020, I think I will embark my journey to compete in E30 racing and will get my second E30 (but this time it will be a race car).
This feeling is like falling in love with the E30 again.
Overall, BMWCDM and Bell Motorsport has been very supportive of getting where I want to go for my racing journey. Of course, I met many new people in the club and the race scene as well. All were friendly and it feels like a family together which is important to me. I believe 2021 will be an exciting year ahead and look forward to the next upcoming events from BMWDCM and E30 Racing.
Elwin Lim | Member #481
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne