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BMW Drivers Club Melbourne

AOMC | Minutes of Annual General Meeting

4 Dec 2020 10:50 PM | Anonymous

Association Of Motoring Clubs Inc.
Minutes of the 2020 Association Annual General meeting
Held on Monday November 23rd via zoom
There were 75 participants representing 67 clubs

The meeting was chaired by President Iain Ross.
Iain welcomed all delegates who have signed into the meeting.

Apologies:  Administrative Officer Howard Billing reported the following apologies have been received:-          
Bill Allen          Rover Car Club of Aust & Rover P4 Guild of Aust
Geoff Meehan        Morris Car Club (Vic)
Bill Ballard          Ford Owners, Restorers & Drivers Club
Arthur Byron        Grampians Vintage Vehicle Club
Peter Welten          Triumph Car Club

Guests / Visitors:  Harry Duynhoven (NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs)

The minutes of the 2019 Annual general Meeting (as circulated via email and published in the February 2020 AOMC Newsletter) were accepted as a true and accurate record on a motion moved Colin Jenkins (Triumph CC), seconded Rick Cove (EGHVC) and carried.

Presidents Report:  Iain Ross noted that this has been a very different and difficult year for all. AOMC and club activities have been severely curtailed. We were lucky to be able to run the British and European Show in February before restrictions came into force, and the only face to face delegates meeting able to be held was way back in February.
The AOMC have been unable to hold the usual seminars, National Motoring Heritage Day event or face to face delegates or committee meetings since. The Engine Number Records service has been curtailed and Howard Billing (AOMC Office Administrator) is currently working from home.

We are looking forward to being able to hold meetings and run our shows and seminars again when the situation allows.

Covid has bought some interesting things to the movement, and clubs have responded well, holding virtual meetings and garage sessions.

The worldwide environmental movement, which is seeing countries introduce bans on the sale of new fossil fuelled vehicles from as early as 2030, may mean our vehicles and our use of them may be in danger.

Five of our current committee members are retiring from their roles tonight, Martyn Bishop, Colin Jenkins, Bryan Langton, David Andreassen and Steve Young. Iain thanked them for the work they have put into the Association over the years they have been involved.

Treasurers Report: 
Angelo D’Ambrosio noted that this has been a challenging year for the AOMC and clubs. AOMC has returned a small surplus of $20,000 for the financial year ending June 30, 2020. The AOMC cash balance as at 30.6.20 was $190,000. The balance sheet has looked OK due to cost cutting measures.

The accounts have been fully audited and a copy of the full final accounts are available for viewing if requested.

The treasurer’s report was accepted on a motion moved by Angelo D’Ambrosio (Torana CC), seconded Colin Jenkins (Triumph CC) and carried.

Subscription Fees for 2021/22.  
Angelo reported that invoices for the 2020/21 year were held back and have only recently been sent out with a discount. He proposed that the fees for 2021/22 remain the same as the pre discounted 2020/21 fees.

It was moved Iain Ross (VDC), seconded Andrew McDougall (Alvis CC) that the membership subscription fees be maintained at the pre discount amounts for 2020/21. Motion was carried.

Auditor:  It was moved Angelo D’Ambrosio (Torana CC), seconded David Smallcombe (Morris Register) that the current auditor, Stephen Barker be reappointed for 2020/21. Motion was carried.

Election of Office Bearers for 2020/21.

Daryl Meek (Veteran CC) took the chair to conduct the elections.

On behalf of the clubs and the movement in general, Daryl thanked Iain and his team for all of their work during the difficult Covid times. Also great thanks to Howard Billing for his work in the AOMC office.

Daryl also noted that he has been surprised to have seen some of the more traditional, older clubs taking to zoom and other electronic formats during the Covid lockdown.
Daryl referred to the recent FBHVC survey of the historic movement in the UK. In 2015 the results were an estimated worth to the UK economy of £5.5 billion.  Daryl used this data at the time to compare to the Victorian movement and estimated a net worth in Victoria of approximately $860million.

The 2020 FBHVC survey showed an increased value of £7.2 billion to the UK economy, and using the same comparison as 2015, Daryl surmised that the value of the movement to the Victorian economy to be approximately $1.2 billion.  This highlights the need for effective peak body representation to reflect the importance of the movement to Victoria.

As per the rules of the Association, all committee positions are declared vacant and nominations were called from the floor. Members can nominate themselves or be nominated by another delegate. The rules allow for 4 executive positions, President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. They also allow for a range of 7 to 9 general committee members in addition to these executive positions to be determined at the Annual General Meeting..

It was moved Keith Mortimer (Jaguar CC) seconded Andrew McDougal (Alvis CC) that the general committee consist of up to 9 members for 2020/21.

Nominations have already been received for the following positions:
President              Iain Ross                     (Vintage Drivers Club)
Vice President:          Keith Mortimer             (Jaguar CC)
Treasurer:                   Angelo D’Ambrosio     (Torana CC)
Secretary:               Robbie Mihelcic           (Torana CC)
General Committee:  Philip Johnstone          (Triumph Sports Owners)
                                    Peter Welten               (Triumph CC)
                                    Geoff Meehan             (Morris CC)
                                    John Ferguson            (Motto Guzzi Motorcycle Club)
                                    Andrew McDougal       (Alvis CC & Veteran CC)
                                    Allan Fabry                  (MG CC)
                                    Lawrence Glynn          (BMW DC)

As well as these 7 nominations for committee, there is another delegate who has agreed to be co-opted for committee roles when required:
                                    Daryl Meek                  (Veteran CC)

As there were no further nominations, Daryl announced that the above be duly elected for the year 2020/21.

Iain Ross resumed the chair and then produced a presentation plaque from the AOMC and Clubs to be presented to Daryl Meek in recognition of his untiring work for the movement when with the RACV as Motoring Interests manager.

Daryl responded that it is a shame that a program that has been 20 years in the making has suddenly come to a halt. RACV have indicated that they will still provide support to the movement.

Iain reported that he has had discussions with the RACV and pointed out to them that the new system of grants will disadvantage clubs.

Iain also noted that AOMC is still looking for representation from the American Vehicle field on the committee.

Iain also reported that he has been approached by the Dept of Transport regarding starting discussions on a revision of the CPS. Conferencing to begin later this week.
He also noted that the U.K. government have announced that they are barring the sales of new internal combustion engine vehicles from 2030.

Events:  Clubs are looking patiently to organising events and meetings in the near future. All reliant on levels of restrictions, but we seem to be heading in the right direction. The AOMC has at present cancelled the British and European Show scheduled for February 2021, but will look at the situation after Christmas and maybe run it late in February.

Chairman Iain Ross announced that the AGM for 2020 closed, and that the next AGM of the Association will take place on Monday November 22nd, 2021.

He then asked for Delegates to give any reports or updates.

Delegates Reports.
Len Kerwood (Austin 7):  Len announced a change of date for next year’s Winton event. The V8 supercars have again taken the traditional date that Historic Winton is held, so it has been changed to the weekend of 22 and 23 May 2021.

Len also asked if we had any links with heritage groups or the National Trust so that our vehicles can be properly recognised as historic.  Daryl Meek responded that there are currently some semi formal links.

Andrew McDougal (Alvis CC & Veteran CC): FIVA have recently circulated 2 surveys. One is based around individual members and this survey has closed. The second one is based on clubs and is open for responses until December 15th. Andrew stressed that it is extremely important that clubs respond to the survey. All information gathered in Australia will be available for use in Australia, which would be very useful when lobbying government bodies. There will also be a third survey which will be based on money spent on service / parts / rallies / accommodation / etc.

The Alvis National rally has been planned to take place in Victoria in April 2021 and to be based in Hamilton. They are still hoping to be able to run it in April.

Keith Taylor (Chev CC):  If the Dept of Transport change the CPS eligibility from 25 years to 30 years, can we push them for a rolling change.

Rick Cove (EGHVC):  announced that the Maffra Shed is open again.

Harry Duynhoven (NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs):  In New Zealand, allclubs were asked to put on spontaneous events in the weekend after lockdown finished and raised money for charities.

John Johnson (Volvo CC):  asked if there is any news on the Berwick Swap, is it going ahead?. There were several conflicting responses, with some delegates having heard it was cancelled and some that it was going ahead. Howard Billing checked the website which states it is still taking place.

Philip Johnstone (Triumph Sports Owners):  The Engine Number Records service is almost back to full service. Philip has been busy clearing the backlog of requests received during Covid lockdown, which could not be processed as he could not attend the storage facility as it meant travelling more than the 5km allowed. There have been plenty of searches for Monaro’s, Torana’s, GT Falcons, Honda motorbikes and Land Rovers.

The AOMC has the Springs Specification records now stored with the Engine Number Records. Philip has been sorting through them, and they are now ordered and he is starting to list them. The records run from 1923 to the 1970s and cover all imaginable vehicles.

Iain Ross thanked Philip for all his work on this service.

Tony Hall (Nissan Datsun Sports Owners): Club events did not decrease this year, as they held virtual cars and coffee events with up to 40 attendees. They have been so successful that the club plans to continue with these virtual events post Covid.

Wandy McIntyre-Leak (Sun Country Historical Vehicle and Machinery Club):  Club has been holding small events since October based on the numbers allowed. Being regional they had less restrictions than Melbourne based clubs. At present, hospitality venues can host more people than an outdoor event. Need to record attendee’s for any contact tracing that may be required.

Keith Mortimer (Jaguar CC):  All clubs should have a Covid safe plan, including recording names for contact tracing.

John Johnson (Volvo CC):  No more news on an American car Show?  Iain Ross responded that AOMC are still searching for an appropriate venue that Shannon’s the major sponsor are happy with.

Len Kerwood (Austin 7):  noted that his club is classed as a sporting club so they need to draft their Covid plan differently.

Iain Ross thanked all for taking the effort of attending this evening and declared the meeting closed at 8.40pm.

Phone: (03) 9558 4829

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