Event date: 22 September 2020
Wow, I only joined BMWDCM in June this year, I think I've attended nearly all the virtual meetings/events since. But this one tonight was something special, a virtual tour of BMW Classic in Munich!
We were hosted by Eva Priller, who looks after BMW clubs from around the world. We started in what I believe is the 100 years archive room, where a lot of rich history about BMW is kept and displayed. In a nutshell there is a lot of original documents and articles in here. She then moved on to showing us through the cafe, which is open to the public.
By far the highlight for me was the collection of cars and motorcycles. In here you can find Elvis Presley's original white BMW 507, which was looking absolutely immaculate in its presentation and hands down I think the car everybody wanted to see! There are also other cars at BMW Classic Group, like a nice Rolls Royce, as they like to take care of other makes that BMW owns. My favourites in here would have to be the Lemans winner, the GP car and of course, the E30 race cars.
Once again, another great meeting by BMWDCM!
Tim Oh | Member #538
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne

A big thank you to the BMWDC for arranging an exclusive members only tour of the BMW Classic Munich. What a club and what better way to spend the evening during Covid-19 stage four lockdown in Melbourne.
We were so fortunate to have such a delightful and knowledgeable host in Eva Priller who explained that BMW Group Classic is the branch of the BMW Group responsible for all activities concerning the history of the company and its four brands BMW, BMW Motorrad, MINI and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.
BMW Classic comprised of the BMW Museum, BMW Group Classic Services and the BMW Group Archive. Eva along with her helper started the tour by providing a great sample of the archives which displayed original drawings, photos and car parts just to mention a few. Leading from the display we were taken through the Café’Mo 66 which seems a great place to stop, grab a coffee and take in all that BMW Classic Munich has to offer.
We then walked though the 100 year old complex and taken to the services and workshop area which is completely transparent as all the walls are made from glass. We were given a glimpse only at the workshop in order to maintain confidentially to the owners of the cars being worked on. The Workshop looked comprehensive and well laid out.
My favourite part of the tour followed which was the guided tour around the sample (approx. ¼ only of the total collection we were told) of the BMW Group Classic cars on display, an area originally built and used to manufacture aircraft engines. Eva explained that the collection is constantly changing and therefore no one tour would be the same. I was really pleased to see rare cars, racing cars, concept cars, prototype cars and even a personally owned car of Elvis Presley. It really is an exceptional display that everyone is guaranteed to find a car to fall in love with, not to mention that most of the cars are still driven and can even be hired.
Overall the tour provided an insight into the BMW Classic group as a company, its history and the long history of BMW as a brand.
Again thank you so much to the BMWDC committee for your hard work and providing us, your members with such a wonderful and invaluable tour of BMW Classic Munich.
Adam Sleep | Member #421
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne

Thank you Jo and Graeme for organizing the exclusive virtual members only tour of the BMW Classic facility and Members Honour Wall in Munich. We felt very privileged to take the tour of this wonderful collection of historic cars. As this facility is not open to the public it really was a very special treat. Thanks also to Eva Priller from BMW Club and Community Management in Munich gave us the guided tour.
The tour was really interesting and informative. Eva estimated that less than one quarter of the cars they hold are on display and explained that the collection now contains many new cars as well. Apparently it’s easier for BMW to add new cars to the collection now, rather than try to source them in 20-30 years time when they have become classics. Of the cars on display we particularly loved seeing the E30 M3 race car and the E28 535i motorsport.
It was a real treat to see so many wonderful examples of the cars we all love and dream about. So much history in one place and there were some exceptional examples on display. Apparently, many of them are road registered and can be hired for the day. This option would definitely be on our agenda next time we visit. Maybe we could hold a members meeting there one day when restrictions are eased!
Unfortunately we joined the meeting late due to prior engagements, so we missed Eva taking our group through archives.
Nella Santisi & Andreas Doelling | Member #141
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne

For the very special September monthly meeting, 58 of us were treated to a guided tour of BMW Classic in Munich via Zoom.
Our host for the evening was the lovely and enthusiastic Eva Priller, who provides a link between BMW and the BMW clubs around the world with their various models and ages of cars.
Since BMW’s 100th anniversary in 2016, BMW Classic is housed in the front portion of the original BMW manufacturing works, just up the road from BMW’s iconic 4-cylinder tower, BMW Welt and the BMW Museum. BMW Classic looks after BMW’s collection of historic models, race cars and concept cars. These are rotated through the BMW Museum and the storage/display area of BMW Classic. BMW Classic also supplies parts for any historic BMW of any age, if necessary manufacturing parts from original blueprints – often by 3D printing these days where possible.
With so much history, it was appropriate that the tour started in the archive room. Eva showed us samples of the various drawings, photos and original documents covering BMW’s manufacture of aircraft engines, motorbikes and cars. Several artefacts were also on display, such as the steering wheel from a BMW F1 car.
Eva pointed out the café that has recently been added in the front of the buildings, where the public can come in any time as part of welcoming the general public to the site. There is also a workshop area where the restoration and maintenance takes place, but our view was limited due to customer cars being present.
Finally we were taken into the storage and display area, where an extensive collection of cars and motorbikes was on display. Eva explained how most of the vehicles were road-registered and driven regularly. Some, including a lovely 1938 327 saloon, are even available for hire for weddings and the like – presumably to be driven by people who can find their way around a non-synchromesh gearbox. Race cars were on display from F1, Le Mans and touring cars. Jo even navigated Eva around the area in order for people to see the M3 race car! The oldest models dated back to just after the Dixi, and the newest were probably around the 1970s.
The display included two 507s, including the white one that once belonged to Elvis Presley. Eva didn’t give much detail of its restoration, but it’s worth reading about the extraordinary lengths BMW Classic went to in order to restore it to its original condition before it was presented at the famous Concours d’Elegance Pebble Beach in BMW’s centenary year.
The BMW Garmisch concept car, restored and re-presented last year, was also present, although not remarked on. An elevated section also contained various BMW concept cars from decades past, but without much detail offered. The collection also included several Z1 roadsters and various race and road cars of the 2002 and E30 eras.
Finally, a Rolls Royce and several classic Minis (including a Moke) were included in the display, recognizing BMW ownership of those marques.
The display area includes an award wall for BMW car clubs and individuals which have been especially significant in keeping the history and enthusiasm for BMW vehicles new and old alive.
It was quite a special privilege to be able to view the collection in this hosted manner. Any club members planning a trip to Europe are well-advised to include BMW Classic, along with the BMW museum and BMW Welt, on their itinerary. If you contact the committee in advance, it may be possible to arrange viewing of some parts of BMW Classic, but at the very least a visit to the café and a viewing of the workshop area is possible on any day.
Peter Williams | Member #36
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne
See the Elvis BMW 507 on Petrolicious video here.
BMW’s write-up about the car is here.
There are also longer videos on the Internet with more details of its restoration, which also illustrate the capabilities of BMW Classic.

A recent Zoom club event held on 22/09/20, was a very interesting and fun event. I loved the fact that it wasn’t just online because of COVID-19, but it was an truly international affair.
We were greeted by the lovely Eva Priller from the BMW Club & Community Management Team, direct from BMW’s headquarters in Munich on a bright and sunny day.
Eva took us inside one of the several large halls, that contained so many of BMW’s classic and historic cars and motorcycles. I don’t think anybody noticed, but my jaw hit the table when I spotted an E9 CSL Batmobil. It is my absolute favourite Bimmer, and I loved seeing it parked amongst 2002’s, E30’s, and many E36’s. Many in race livery. There were simply too many others, to mention them all.
It was interesting to learn that BMW is currently sourcing more storage space, to house ALL the models. Including the current and upcoming ones, so they wouldn’t require searching for older and used vehicles in the future. I also loved the fact that almost all the cars on show were road registered and frequently driven, to avoid wasting away.
Fun event, and sincerely hope to one day being able to visit the BMW Museum and Plant in Person.
Walter Buehler | Member #38
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne

Thank you for the virtual tour of BMW group classic with Eva.
I found the night really well run, Eva was a great host and fascinated by the glimpse we got to see.
What amazed me was the café which they change to suit events or themes happening at the time. BMW have a proud heritage and to be able to display it all on the former site of itself from 100 years back is a marvel as so few brands can claim this and put that level of care and effort to protect the brands heritage.
Tony Traikovski | Member #472
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne