Dear Members,
Finally, we were getting good news and restrictions were lifting slowly. We had a fantastic attendance at our Mt Macedon drive and two fully booked track days at Sandown and Winton. Unfortunately, as you all know, most of Melbourne will be back in lockdwon for six weeks from midnight tonight.
Further lockdowns mean we have had to cancel our Broadford Come and Try/Driver Training Day on 25 July and AROCA have also cancelled their sprint on at Broadford on 26 July, which would have been Round 6 of our BMWDCM Yokohama/Traction Tyres Drivers Championship. We will refund anyone that has booked and paid for the Come and Try/Driver Training event. I have asked if there are any dates later in the year at Broadford that we can transfer the booking to, but with the uncertainty around everything at the moment we might have to leave it for a few weeks and see how this latest outbreak and restrictions go.
Our Christmas in July drive has also been cancelled and at at this stage our Stony Creek Go Kart drive and ride is likely to be postponed. Keep an eye on your emails and our events page for updates on our events.
We are still available to do club plate renewals and new applications. By post is preferred, however if you must come in person please call ahead to arrange a suitable time.
As with the previous lockdown, we will continue to do all we can to keep members engaged and give you something to think about and be involved with. We won’t ever leave you hanging and wondering what’s going on. We are here if you need anything, even just a chat.
We will continue with our Zoom virtual members meetings like last night’s launch of the new AO52 Yokohama high performance tyre with Andrew from Traction Tyres.
From all of us on the BMWDCM committee, to all of our members, whether you are in lockdown or not, we are here to support you and will do everything we can to keep the club active as we all work through the new restrictions currently in place.
Keep safe, look after yourself and your family, social distance and do the right thing. Together we will get through this.
Graeme Bell | President
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
P.O. Box 81, TYABB, VICTORIA. 3913

Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of: BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
Motorsport Australia Affiliated Motorsport Club