Dear Members,
Welcome to our second month of isolation. It's great to see everyone is doing the right thing and helping to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. There is an air of optimism and hope for a gradual release from restrictions in the coming weeks and months now and the committee has been working hard behind the scenes getting things ready for a return to physical events instead of the virtual and remote things we have been doing the last month or so.
We have also welcomed 12 new members this month - we look forward to welcoming you properly at an event soon!
For now, though, we are still working in isolation. After the success of our April virtual members meeting, our May Members Meeting will be another virtual one, with club sponsor, Alan How at Creative Custom Cars. Alan will give us a live video tour of the Creative Custom Cars workshop to show us the interesting projects they have in at the moment. Creative Custom Cars do some fantastic work restoring cars, so it will be good to check out what they are working on at the moment.
Of course, not much has happened this month, with the restrictions in place, but we have tried to keep you informed and connected and continue to do all we can to help members out with anything they need and entertained with some of the Facebook activities. We're always looking for more things to share with members so if you have something interesting to show us, let us know.
We have been talking to Winton, Sandown, Broadford and Motorsport Australia about likely timing of a return to motorsport activities and we are hopeful that our 14 June booking at Sandown will proceed as planned. Both Sandown and Motorsport Australia are keen to get club level track events happening again and if restrictions ease enough to allow us to run the event, we will do everything we can to run the day for you. Keep an eye on your emails and the website and Facebook group for news about that as the date approaches.
Same goes for all the other events we have planned or will be rescheduling. We will put up the events that suit whatever restrictions remain and hopefully we can get back to some normality as soon as possible. I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to just getting out in the countryside for a drive as much as I am looking forward to getting back to a track.
There has been a lot of talk about the new COVIDSafe app released by the Federal Government. We do recommend that you download it and follow its directions to track who you come into contact with. It does not track where you go or when, it just tracks and saves who you come into contact with via bluetooth and enables health officials to contact them, or you, in the event someone in your circle contracts the virus. It may become a condition of coming to events that you have the app installed, so please do your research, see there is nothing to fear from having it and get on board. It will help us all get back to normal quicker than if we don’t use it.
For now, though, make sure you look after yourselves and your families, practice good hygiene and of course physical distancing. Keep an eye on the Government websites and news about what we have to do. Of course, if any of you are feeling like you need someone to talk to or are feeling alone, please pick up the phone and give us a call. We are here for all of you, our BMW family.
Together, we are getting through this and we will be seeing you soon!
Take care.
Graeme Bell | President
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.

P.O. Box 81, TYABB, VICTORIA. 3913

Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of: BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
Motorsport Australia Affiliated Motorsport Club

Dear Members,
Welcome to our second month of isolation. It's great to see everyone is doing the right thing and helping to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. There is an air of optimism and hope for a gradual release from restrictions in the coming weeks and months now and the committee has been working hard behind the scenes getting things ready for a return to physical events instead of the virtual and remote things we have been doing the last month or so.
We have also welcomed 12 new members this month - we look forward to welcoming you properly at an event soon!
For now, though, we are still working in isolation. After the success of our April virtual members meeting, our May Members Meeting will be another virtual one, with club sponsor, Alan How at Creative Custom Cars. Alan will give us a live video tour of the Creative Custom Cars workshop to show us the interesting projects they have in at the moment. Creative Custom Cars do some fantastic work restoring cars, so it will be good to check out what they are working on at the moment.
Of course, not much has happened this month, with the restrictions in place, but we have tried to keep you informed and connected and continue to do all we can to help members out with anything they need and entertained with some of the Facebook activities. We're always looking for more things to share with members so if you have something interesting to show us, let us know.
We have been talking to Winton, Sandown, Broadford and Motorsport Australia about likely timing of a return to motorsport activities and we are hopeful that our 14 June booking at Sandown will proceed as planned. Both Sandown and Motorsport Australia are keen to get club level track events happening again and if restrictions ease enough to allow us to run the event, we will do everything we can to run the day for you. Keep an eye on your emails and the website and Facebook group for news about that as the date approaches.
Same goes for all the other events we have planned or will be rescheduling. We will put up the events that suit whatever restrictions remain and hopefully we can get back to some normality as soon as possible. I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to just getting out in the countryside for a drive as much as I am looking forward to getting back to a track.
There has been a lot of talk about the new COVIDSafe app released by the Federal Government. We do recommend that you download it and follow its directions to track who you come into contact with. It does not track where you go or when, it just tracks and saves who you come into contact with via bluetooth and enables health officials to contact them, or you, in the event someone in your circle contracts the virus. It may become a condition of coming to events that you have the app installed, so please do your research, see there is nothing to fear from having it and get on board. It will help us all get back to normal quicker than if we don’t use it.
For now, though, make sure you look after yourselves and your families, practice good hygiene and of course physical distancing. Keep an eye on the Government websites and news about what we have to do. Of course, if any of you are feeling like you need someone to talk to or are feeling alone, please pick up the phone and give us a call. We are here for all of you, our BMW family.
Together, we are getting through this and we will be seeing you soon!
Take care.
Graeme Bell | President
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.

P.O. Box 81, TYABB, VICTORIA. 3913

Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of: BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
Motorsport Australia Affiliated Motorsport Club