Dear Members,
Under Stage 2 of the Government restrictions for gatherings and non-essential travel, we are suspending all of our Club meetings and events for the time being. We are working on other ways to keep engaged with our members and to try to bring a little joy to the situation we all find ourselves in.
Whilst we can’t go out and meet up, we can do some virtual meetings. Our next members meeting we will be trying something new with a live stream or video meeting. We will advise on the details of this as soon as they are available.
We want to keep engaged with you but not flood you with updates. We will send out an update weekly with any news or changes to upcoming events. If you have anything of interest or ideas for members to do whilst in virtual lockdown, send them to us and we'll share them with the rest of our members.
For now though, all events that were due to be held for the rest of March and all of April will be cancelled or postponed for later in the year. Sadly, our Second Birthday Celebration Night scheduled for 2 May will also be postponed. The good news is that at this stage, you will all still receive our second edition of idrive magazine in May as planned. Something to really look forward to!
Keep an eye on our Facebook group and Facebook page, we'll be sharing some ideas for things to do whilst you are at home, starting this weekend with a show-us-what’s-in-your-garage event, so look out for that.
Keep in touch with your family and friends, via phone or internet, we have to be physically isolated but we don’t have to be socially isolated. A phone call or email from a friend can really brighten someone’s day, so keep in touch and support each other in any way you can. If we all work together and do what we need to do, we will get through this.
We are only a phone call away too, so if you need anything please do call or email.
Club Permit Renewals
At this time, VicRoads are still processing renewals at their offices, however wait times are now much longer than normal and you must adhere to the current social distancing measures. Please instead consider posting your renewal VicRoads. You can pay by cheque or VicRoads have advised that you can use this credit card form.
If you are yet to receive a signature from us for your renewal, we request that you post them to us for the time being.
To be as fast an efficient as possible we recommend to sign your renewal, attach your payment and post it to us with a stamped envelope addressed to VicRoads inside. We will then sign on behalf of the club and post it straight to VicRoads for you.
We would like to remind you that you do have three months after the expiry date to pay your renewal, but you can’t drive it once it expires, just like normal registration.
If you have any questions about your renewal please call or email us. If you are not comfortable providing your credit card details or don’t have a cheque book, give us a call and we will see what we can do to help you.
For more details on club permits, including where you can send your renewal for signing, please visit our Club Permits web page.
Take care and stay safe.
Graeme Bell | President
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.

P.O. Box 81, TYABB, VICTORIA. 3913

Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of: BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
Motorsport Australia Affiliated Motorsport Club