Dear Members,
Your Committee is closely monitoring the developing situation regarding concerns surrounding the COVID-19 Coronavirus and how it may affect upcoming events in the coming months.
We are taking advice from Motorsport Australia and the Victorian and Federal Governments regarding upcoming events, see below for links to Government and Health Dept Agencies etc.
At the moment, none of our events are directly affected by the restrictions currently imposed by the State Government. It is our intention that all current BMWDCM events will continue as planned, unless it becomes apparent that it is unsafe to do so.
Your welfare is paramount.
We will continue to monitor the situation with the relevant authorities and provide regular updates as required via our website, email and social media platforms.
If you are feeling unwell for whatever reason, we recommend you follow the Health Department guidelines and seek appropriate care as required, including self-isolation if necessary. Please also refrain from attending Club events if you are at all concerned you may be unwell.
If you are concerned about coming to an event you have already registered for, we understand if you wish to withdraw but please let us know. You can cancel your registration for an event via the relevant event's page on our website or you can email any of the committee by clicking our names at the bottom of this email.
Should you require any further information in relation to COVID-19, click here.
All BMWDCM Members, officials and volunteers are urged to follow the government’s advice on how best to protect yourself from the virus and practice good hygiene methods, whether within the club, at home or anywhere else. You are very welcome to call or email us if you have any questions or concerns.
The Committee
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
Motorsport Australia update 14 March 2020
Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert
Department of Health | Active Health Alerts
Sport & Recreation Victoria update 14 March 2020

P.O. Box 81, TYABB, VICTORIA. 3913

Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of: BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
Motorsport Australia Affiliated Motorsport Club