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BMW Drivers Club Melbourne

Drivers Club Monthly | Edition 21 | February 2020

1 Feb 2020 11:00 AM | Anonymous


Unfortunately we start 2020 with the sadness of not just Victoria, but all around Australia.  We hope that you are all safe and well and if you have been impacted, please do reach out for help.

January was a quiet month, with many of us taking a well-earned break.  Our friends at Mercedes-Benz Club Victoria organised an impromptu event at Mercedes-Benz Waverley in support of the bushfires which some of our members attended.  It was fantastic to see that over $6,000 was raised on the day. 

As you read this, a group of our members are enjoying the first official event on our 2020 calendar, the Bathurst 12 Hour.  


Welcome to our new members, we look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event!

Don't forget to catch up with this month's update from our President, Graeme Bell here.


Here's what we've got planned in February:

  • Saturday, 8 February
    Pre-Torquay Motor Show Cruise
    Come for a drive off the highway through the Otway hills to the iconic Great Ocean Road at Skenes Creek and then drive along part of the more interesting section of the road to Lorne where we will join the inaugural Torquay Motor Show Cruise to Torquay.

  • Tuesday, 11 February 
    February Members Meeting ft. Jay Leno's Garage Car Products 
    Shannons Insurance
    Our February Members Meeting will be a casual night, so we can all catch up and see what we've all been up to over the holiday season. We'll also share the club's plans for 2020 and featuring a demonstration of Jay Leno's Garage Car Products.  You may even be able to win some products to take home!

  • Saturday, 22 February
    2020 Yokohama/Traction Tyres Drivers Championship | Round 1
    Round 1 of our 2020 championship will be kicking off on 22 February at Sandown Raceway.  Be sure to enter fast to avoid missing out!


Keep an eye on our calendar for events coming up, we’re always adding something new.  

Click on any of the following events for more information.
  • 1 March Bellarine Drive to Fort Queenscliff 
    Join us for a drive to Fort Queenscliff.  We'll enjoy lunch at the wonderful 360Q followed by a 90 minute private tour of the fort and museum.
  • 3 March March Members Meeting | Melbourne BMW Southbank
    Our March members meeting will be with one of our 2020 partners, Melbourne BMW.
  • 7-8 March Phillip Island Festival of Speed Car Display
    We're off to the Island again for the Phillip Island Festival of Speed.  Attend one or both days - there will be discounted entry for the weekend for our members with reserved display parking opposite the pits.
  • 11-15 March Australian F1 Grand Prix Car Display
    Unfortunately expressions of interest for the display have now closed, but be sure to pop by the display if you happen to attend!
Winton Historics Car Display | 30-31 May
Historic Winton is Australia's largest and most popular all-historic motor race meeting. Enjoy a weekend of non-stop racing featuring over 400 historic racing cars and motorbikes from the 1920s to the 1980s as well as a huge array of veteran, vintage, rare and unusual vehicles on display.

For free admission, please ensure that you register before 21 March.


It is important that if you have a vehicle on club plates your membership be kept up to date. 

If you haven't renewed your membership your club permit will be invalid, regarless of whether your club permit is still in date and you've signed your logbook. 

If your membership is not current and you find yourself pulled over by police, you can be fined as your car is considered unregistered. 

You can find more information regarding the club permit scheme here


Have you ever wanted to be close to the action on track but not quite in the action? 

We are looking for volunteers to assist at the following track days:

  • Sandown on 14 June 2020
  • Broadford on 25 July 2020
  • Winton on 4 July 2020 

Please get in contact with Jo Mawson to discuss how you can get involved. 


Our News | Blog page on the website is constantly being updated with not just club news, but everything BMW from all around the world!  We welcome you to submit any articles of your own! 

Club blog.
BMW around the globe.

idrive magazine

Have an interesting story about you or how you came to own your BMW?  How about a story about a restoration or a build of your car?  It could be anything! 
Email us because we'd love to read it and share it with our members.


Members are welcome to submit their business to be shared on the Member Services page on our website.  We are all about supporting those who support us, so if you would like your business listed, email us with your details and we'll add you to the page!

As always, thanks for reading, we look forward to seeing you at an event soon!

President | Graeme Bell 0407 186 296
Vice President | 
Jo Mawson 0412 661 900
Secretary | 
Lawrence Glynn 0414 563 290 
Treasurer |
Shaaron Glynn

BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.

Proudly supported by:

Creative Custom Cars
Melbourne BMW
Shannons Insurance
Southern BM
Traction Tyres
Waverley BMW
Zagame Autobody

© 2024 BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc. All Rights Reserved.