One of the many reasons I joined BMW Drivers Club Melbourne is for the opportunity to see some beautiful places right on our own doorstep, and the Pre Torquay Motor Show Cruise was another well organised, jam packed event that delivered what it promised.
We headed off from the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne to be in Geelong by 10.30am, where we caught up with other members of the club. It was great to see everyone, as we hadn’t seen each other much over the holiday break, and we also met some new faces.
The drive to Kennett River took us through the Otway Hills via Forrest and Skenes Creek, where we covered around 140km of beautiful rainforest and winding roads. High up in the hills, the scenery was magical, yet eerie at the same time, particularly where there were sections of heavy mist and enormous trees covering the road over, blocking out the sunlight. Then, all of a sudden, daylight, and the most amazing view of crystal clear water up ahead.
We stopped at Koala Café in Kennett River for a bite to eat, a cute little eatery tucked away on the side of the road, before heading off again.
From rainforest to ocean in one day, is the only way I can describe the next stage of the journey along the iconic Great Ocean Road. It was great to see a line of BMW’s following each other through kilometres of bending, winding roads, rocky mountains on one side and the bright blue water on the other.
The next stop was Lorne, where we met up with members of other car clubs to join the cruise to Torquay, where the Torquay Rotary Motor Show would be held the next day.
We ended the day there, where we all parted to prepare our cars for the following day.
Victoria is absolutely stunning and the BMWDCM, through their meticulously planned drives, and many other events, have given me the chance to thoroughly explore our beautiful state.
Samantha Ballis | Member #477
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne