An enthusiastic bunch of members, family, and friends attended the December Members meeting at Strike Bowling in Glen Waverly on 10 December. A fun evening of laughs, thrills, and spills was had by all.
We put on our fancy bowling shoes, headed up to the lanes and were grouped into three teams each with our own lane. Food and beverages were consumed as the games commenced. There were plenty of strikes and spares going around, as the competitive nature of participants shone through. To offset this, there were quite a few gutter balls thrown as well, as we were all trying to get into a rhythm. Some of us seemed to have issues with our footing, with a couple of bowlers tripping and hitting the deck while running up to bowl. Fortunately, no serious injuries were reported, and more than likely provided a bit of humour to the spectators.
With the exception of a couple of bowlers, most scores were within a handful of points of each other, and competition was tight. Heading into the second game it was fairly close between teams one and two, with the third team only part way though their first game. Teams continued to bowl neck and neck for the remainder, with the big winner being 10 pin bowling at the end of the night.
After the games were finished, Jo got the barrel out and did the final members draw for the year. Plenty of lucky winners, with bottles of BMWDCM wine being awarded as prizes to most, and a couple of gift bags with extra goodies included to big prize winners. Looking forward to cracking open my bottle of Cab Sav over the holiday season.
After a fun night bowling with new and old friends, we ditched the stylish footwear for our own shoes, and headed off into the night. Here’s to more fun events with this great bunch of people in the 2020.
Greg Dickson | Member #211
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne