Early last month, I received an emailed from a member asking if I could set up and event to see the Ford v Ferrari movie. I spoke to the committee and we all decided this might be a nice end of year event.
On looking around we found that it was showing at the Dromana Drive In, and what better way to watch a car movie, with a car club but at a drive in, in our cars.
We had lots of interest but unfortunately, only a few days before the event I had a message from a member who had been told by another club he was associated with that the session time had been changed from 9pm to 11.30pm. On confirming this with the Drive In, I realised that this was not going to work with all who had registered as some had children coming as well.
A quick call around and with Jess helping me send out an email to all who had registered, we managed to keep the same night, but change the venue to Village Cinemas Karingal Hub.
We had a nice group attend and all were pretty excited. I knew only a little about the history of this battle, so I was quite in the dark about it all. I had heard of Carrol Shelby but not of Ken Miles, so the story was really new to me and I loved every bit of it.
From the friendships made, to the corny fight scenes, to the amazing setting up of the car, until race day.
I wont say too much more as I know there are a few out there that say it is not exactly true to what happened but it is a Hollywood movie about racing and you just have to love the way they have put this together and the likeness to the original characters, the casting was brilliant.
If you haven’t seen it, I would recommend you go if you are at anyway interested in racing, as this is a great film, with laughter, anger, disappointment and tears. A must see.
Thank you for all who came and my apologies for those who did want to see it at the drive in, I will try to arrange another night early next year, if we can find a movie worth watching.
Jo Mawson | Member #2 & Vice President
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne