No sleep in this Sunday, we all wake up nice and early, giving our cars a once over to look their best before heading off and meeting around the corner of the Melbourne Exhibition Building. As a few of chatted, Lawrence Glynn arrives in his sleek JPS black and gold E21 3 Series Coupe.
As well organised as this club is, we are presented with a line up sequence and a statement for each car model to be placed on our windscreens once in place for display.
Once inside, parked under the trees in a line pointing our cars noses slightly towards other car marques, Lawrence present us with a club windscreen banners and euro style number plate covers, making us look more united as a well presented club.
As the later part of the morning set in, we all took the opportunity to explore other marques of cars involved in ‘Club Sandwich’ (External displays) as well as appreciating the classics on display inside the Exhibition buildings.
Throughout the day, there were always several club members not far from our line up, more than happy to discuss with admirers some history on each car (some of this information we learnt from each other that very morning in our casual discussions).
The sun was our friend throughout the day, with the smell of the food vans and coffee and Bathurst being broadcasted on the big-screen in a beer garden, the day was a pleasant day out for us all.
As the shadows slowly made their way east, the day was coming to an end. Lucky for us, we were the last to be placed on show, therefore, we were the first to leave. Shaking hands of known, and for the first-time-meeting other, members, we all said goodbye and headed our separate ways home.
Paul Holliday | Member #296
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne