The new meeting place for all who wish to learn more about the city of the future and help shape it. • Interactive visitor experience provides insights into mobility and the city of the future. • Exciting formats invite you to join in the experience and participate in mutual discussions. • Visionaries and experts are provided with a cutting-edge platform and a space for their own events and debates.

What will the city of the future look like? How will we live there and move around? Questions like these and many others will be discussed at the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt. Starting on 18 October 2019, it will become a permanent meeting place and dialogue platform for those interested and the doers of tomorrow. Inside the entirely newly established Future Forum, visitors to the BMW Welt will gain an insight into ideas, concepts and technologies that will define urban life of the future. With the aid of augmented reality elements, the BMW Group will be presenting, among other things, its vision of the mobility of tomorrow. However, the idea of the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt thrives above all on dialogue and mutual shaping of the future. In addition to the permanent exhibition, exciting live formats are planned in which experts and visionaries from various different sectors and disciplines take visitors on a fascinating journey into the city of tomorrow.
Captivating design, progressive connectivity: a double success for the new BMW 3 Series.
The future is already being shaped today. Many scientist, developers and business enterprises already have an idea how future mobility and infrastructure concepts could look and are working on their implementation. The ideas and concepts being shown during the opening of the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt provide an outlook on the future, but not completely finalised because they change with time. They are constantly further developed and supplemented. At BMW Welt, visitors to the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt can now participate in diverse and fascinating visions for shaping everyday life, the workplace, communication and mobility in tomorrow’s cities.
With its futuristic architecture and more than three million visitors each year, BMW Welt offers right now the ideal platform for experiencing and shaping the future together. “With the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt, we as pioneers on the way to the future of mobility wish to actively participate in the dialogue about sustainable solutions for the automobile and beyond. To this end, the Forum will immediately serve as a permanent platform to draw a concrete picture of future developments together with experts and visionaries,” says Jens Thiemer, Senior Vice President Customer & Brand BMW. The FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt takes visitors on a virtual journey into the city of the future, thereby offering inspiration for thought. The challenges we are faced with, but above all the solutions for shaping the “city of the future” are examined more closely and discussed.
Experts invite visitors to join in inspiring talks and panel discussions.
Apart from the visitor experience, the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt offers all developers and visionaries a space for discussion as well as a platform for an inspiring exchange of ideas with each other and with the public. Exciting keynotes and panel discussions on future issues going beyond the subject of mobility offer new perspectives and promote the exchange of information whilst enriching the exhibition format. Moreover, the BMW Group invites all “future shapers” to create their own event formats within the framework of the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt in order to present their visions and concepts to a wide public. The Future Forum by BMW Welt is meant to inspire and actively promote a dialogue on all issues dealing with the future true to the motto: Explore the future. Get inspired. Join the conversation.