Well what can I say? Just the most fun you can have without breaking any laws!
I borrowed a race car from Bell Motorsport for a BMW Driver’s Club Melbourne track day at Winton. While I had been to Winton before, it wasn’t in a race prepared BMW E30.
I was able to tow it up in convoy with the Bell Motorsport team and drop it off with them to the track.
A good dinner together at the Royal in Benalla and a sleep like a kid on Christmas Eve and Saturday arrived. Groups were organised and before I knew it, I’m on the track in Jess Bell’s E30 race car and having a ball.
If you’re thinking about doing this then I highly recommend it. You can thank me later.
You’re Welcome.
Darryl O'Neill | Member #52
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne

Having taken part and loving a couple of the earlier track day events this year, I can attest that the latest BMWDCM event (Round 5) at Winton on was also a success.
It was combined with Round 6 of the NSW Club's ‘Supersprint’, which basically was a Vic v NSW BMW clubs showdown.
NSW took the title, but only by a small margin. 1000 odd points, to Vic’s well over 900. Jo and Graeme were very graceful in presenting the trophy to our friends from across the border. But the challenge is on again for next year and I can’t wait.
I normally take part in my X5 or 5’er, but have now gone all out and bought an E30 Race Car through Bell Motorsport. My new, older, toy is an absolute bundle of fun and excitement.
No Driver Assists (what so ever), no electronics, no comforts, no tricks, and plenty of noises and clutters from somewhere under the car. But, a whole lot of fun!!!
Like a professional, I had the car loaded onto trailer the night before.
The day consisted of; taking off at 04:45 for an approximate 08:00 arrival, unloading, preparing, scrutineering, checking out all these other beautiful cars, driving round and round the circuit, presentations and speeches, loading/packing up, and getting back home around 20:00. Absolutely knackered. Yet, I’d do it all again, tomorrow.
Most importantly, it wasn’t just about ‘car stuff’ and driving egos (mostly mine haha), but meeting and speaking with a great bunch of like-minded guys and gals.
It’s amazing whom you meet, share life experiences with, discuss hobbies, professions, families, health, and let all sorts of things off your chest.
MOTORSPORT - it seems, is what the doctor ordered.
Just let go, switch off, and have non-judgemental fun!
Walter Buehler | Member #38
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne