Pre-Mother's Day Drive
11 May 2019
Ten cars attended the pre-Mothers’ Day drive on 11 May. Three 3-Series, two 2-Series and one 5-Series were joined by a couple of Minis (one a rather maxi-Mini!) a Toyota MR2 and a Subaru SUV. Andrew Brown entered into the spirit of the event by bringing his mum!
From the assembly point at McDonalds Whittlesea, Peter Williams led the group on a scenic route that incorporated some lengthy twisty bits. Traffic was light, perhaps influenced by the cool conditions (around 10 degrees) and the threat of rain. In the event we only had a tiny bit of drizzle and those who stayed home fearing a downpour missed a most enjoyable drive.
We travelled first to Seymour where we regrouped for a comfort stop by the Vietnam veterans walk. Someone wondered whether the Huey helicopter on a pole had been placed there by another helicopter. Graeme sent his drone up to investigate, or maybe to perch on top?
From there the route took us through Yarck, where Jo dropped several unsubtle hints for a stop to sample the baked goods on offer.
Unmoved, Pete led the group on to Yea and eventually, stomachs growling, to Toolangi, home of C J Dennis. Here we were welcomed by a small group that had skipped the drive but who joined us for a fine pub lunch in this historic location, accompanied by a warm fire and a lovely view.
Overall an excellent outing - thanks to Jo and Peter for organising.
David Francis | Member #243
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne

I'm a drive critic AND IT WAS THE BEST DRIVE EVER (I'm not actually a drive critic).
The drive was fun! We met and parted in exiting places. We met up at Mcdonalds Whittlesea and parted at Toolongi Tavern. The tavern had ducks at the back!
The radio work was great. I did the calls in our car, one or two times I repeated calls from the lead, other times I commented about the scenery. I made driving noises - not on the radio. The scenery was MAGNIFICENT! The colours of where we were driving was very vibrant and fluorescent. The whole thing, drive and stops had wonderful views. We went to Sooubway (subway) to get COOKIES.
Anyway i think that it was very exiting and lots of people should join because of the beautiful sights and wildlife.
Elsie Taylor (age 10) | Daughter of Simeon Taylor, Member #168
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne
*Article is unedited.