Dear Members,
Another great month has passed with so many brilliant events.
Cup day was our first annual show & shine and 8-Fest. The weather wasn’t too kind to us, but I am proud to say we have such wonderful members who braved the rain and came out and made this event a fantastic success. After the show & shine, we all retired to the warmth of the restaurant and joined in some games, fashions on the field and a few raffles. Everyone had a lot of fun and some great prizes were won. These prizes were all donated by Celebrations of Clarinda. A huge thank you to Ross and Celebrations Clarinda!
At Sandown Historics, we had a display on both Saturday and Sunday. It was fantastic to see so many new and existing members come out and enjoy the racing, drop in for a chat and catch up with each other. Our Club won Best Club Display of the event which I am extremely proud of! It's so great to see the effort our committee goes to in organising these events getting rewarded by the organisers.
We had our exclusive, members only meeting at Shannons, with the new BMW 530d Highway Patrol vehicle and this was one of the best evenings I have been to with the club. The car was outstanding but the presentation from both officers was captivating and very interactive and informative. We have had so many emails back from members letting us know that it was one of the best nights they had been to. Well done team and watch out for another evening with the Highway Patrol next year, when they add the new X5 to the Police Fleet.
Last weekend was very busy, we had the Geelong Revival Club Display on Saturday, with a couple doing the Sunday display as well. Again, it was great to see lots of different cars coming from all over to put on a great display for the public, talk to lots of people and have a look at the speed trials.
Sunday we were up early again and off to Winton for the third round of the Drivers' Championship, run by AROCA. The weather was just perfect, beautiful sunshine and just perfect for good lap times. For something different, the whole day was on the short track, so the times were pretty quick considering what we are used to at Winton.
Looking forward, our final members meeting for the year will be at Waverly BMW with an exciting unveiling. Make sure you come along and join in the fun and witness the very special event!
I would like to thank our team who have helped make our first year run so smoothly, without their tireless work we would not be achieving such amazing results! The club is still in its first year and so many of you have come on board and made the journey so worth it. Today, membership is at 267 and we are seeing more coming in every week. Thank you for joining us.
I hope you all have a great Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year, and I look forward to seeing you all at an event in the New Year. Keep an eye on the calendar, there are lots of events coming in the New Year. If you have an idea or have been somewhere you think might be great for us to do, get in touch with any of the committee and let us know! We're always happy to listen and help you get out of the club what you want, it is your club!
Graeme Bell | President
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
P.O. Box 81, TYABB, VICTORIA. 3913

Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of:
BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
CAMS Affiliated Motorsport Club