Dear Members,
My report this month will be short and sweet, with everything going along perfectly.
We had some fantastic events this month, the Sunday members meet at Antique Motorcycles, the Jindivic drive and the most recent being German Auto Show, where we featured over 40 BMWs from BMWDCM members, our display looked amazing! With all our cars displaying BMWDCM windscreen banners, and of course our new marquees with banners and flags, made it easy for any new prospective members to find us. I calculate this event raised over $3,000 for the Deaf Children’s association on entries alone, which is an amazing effort and something we should all be proud of being part of.
We have some great new merchandise lines coming out, some was on display at the German Auto Show and it was great seeing members wearing theirs on the day too.
I am very proud and happy with the progress of the new club, about to reach another milestone, 200 members! What an amazing achievement for only 4 months!
Looking forward to the next few months leading up to Christmas, with some exciting events coming and thank you all for your support of BMWDCM and our hard-working committee.
I would like to also let all members know that Hawthorn BMW have come on board and are happy to support all BMWDCM members. If you are looking for anything in particular or wanting to upgrade, please give the team a call there, mention you are a member and I am sure they will give you impeccable service.
Finally, I have been invited to display my BMW E30 Racecar at the VACC Centennial Display at the Bendigo Town Hall Precinct (Lyttleton Terrace, Bendigo VIC) on Saturday the 22nd of September. For any members not going on the Healesville Sanctuary cruise on the same day (and you fancy a drive up to Bendigo), you are welcome to come up and say hello, as we will be there all day showing off our car and talking to people about the Club and the VACC. It is a pity it’s on the same day as our cruise to Healesville, but we can multi-task. If you would like to come, let me know to look out for you.
Take care out there and enjoy your Ultimate Drive.
Graeme Bell | President
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
P.O. Box 81, TYABB, VICTORIA. 3913

Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of:
BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
CAMS Affiliated Motorsport Club