Even though it was not actually blowing a gale at the Torquay Motor it felt like it.
Nonetheless our members turned out and enjoyed the day. This event always has a great variety of vehicles ranging from 1913 to modern supercars.
Continuing what seems to be a tradition the only prize winner in our group was a non-BMW, Jeff Palmer with his MGB V8 GT.
Andrew Brown, spectators but not displaying, won a "luck door' style prize for submitting a people's choice vote, - $1,000 voucher from Helo World Travel. Nice pick up.
Lots of interest in our member's lovely cars - thank you for bringing them along and braving the wind.
We even made it into the local newspaper!

Also at the show was one of our menmbers, Chris Houghton-Allen (#770) with a fellow LandRover owner.
He reports
We met at Flagstaff gardens and travelled together to Torquay where we joined a queue at 8:15 am to enter the show area at Elephant Walk.
The 2 vehicles parked next together and immediately spectators were asking questions with Mark having a steady line of people to talk to about his magnificent Series 2A.
It was amazing that the Series 2A made it to the show as, on Friday night, Mark and his trusty helper started, and completed by midnight Saturday, a swap of the transfer case. No leaks and a short test and he was ready for Sunday!
There were nearly 400 cars of all makes and varieties on display. The wind was quite full on and the expected 26o was not met during the day bit it did get a little warmer by 2:30pm.
We waited for the results and while none of us won a major prize, Mark’s series 2A was declared the LROCV winner.
After a very enjoyable day, with much chatter from many spectators and other exhibitors, we were glad to head home in the warmth of the cars. We look forward to the next show!
Lawrence Glynn #3