Event date: 4 May 2024
Our sixth presentation night took a new look this year with the night taking place at WestWaters Mercure Entertainment Complex in Caroline Springs. Part of the reason that the function was held there was that the venue is to be the hub of the Nationals next year to stay and have a good look at how the venue operates.
I turned up mid afternoon to assist set up the night but the function room was already set up ready to go, the workers had been in early and were on their way to get dolled up in pink ready for the big night which was a fund raiser for the clubs chosen charity being the Peter McCullum Institute. Places had been set up and seats allocated.
As we gathered it was noticeable that our President Graeme had got into the spirit and had his hair tinted pink for the occasion but both John and David and long pink wigs with John also wearing a Lei which he leant to Jack Perkins who through his race team Cooldrive had agreed to speak and did an hour presentation off the cuff including his early racing, diabetes, changes that his diabetes management caused in sport and the restoration of his father’s race cars which now forms the basis of his business interests when not driving in the endurance events. Jack is to partner James Coutney later in the year in the Snowy River Caravans sponsored car. In fact, Jack had called in on his way home from assisting to open a dealership at Traralgon and was very accommodating taking questions and making himself available for photos once he finished speaking.
We also celebrated the winners of our Annual Show and Shine and last year’s Traction Tyres/Yokohama Drivers Championship class winners, with Andy Kaos taking out the Championship, as well as our other major Awards, Member of the Year, John Shreeve, New Member of the Year, Terry Lane, Official of the Year, Simon de Lisle and President’s Award recipient, Jennifer Rose. We also Officially recognised the winner of our new young driver Behind the Wheel Scholarship, Claire Trainor.
During the night we had brief breaks that we could get a refill or attend to the silent auction tables along the wall with a wide variety of items from pearls to books, to photography sessions up to 2 carbon bikes. so we would like to thank everyone that donated the auction items and those that took the time and sometimes return visits to the tables to secure their items. There was also a table of raffle prizes which quickly diminished at the end of the night. In all across several events we raised over $6,300 which is a fantastic achievement so far and thank all that contributed.
The meals were really good considering the alternate menu with a variety across the 3 courses that allowed everyone to enjoy them although lack of food was not an issue as it was like having 2 mains and a dessert.
A further highlight was the publishing of the next idrive, which I have seen people at various events look at and expect that it is an official BMW publication at car shows etc and is a real credit to everyone that contributes stories and photos with the editing completed by Jess which is a huge task.
After a successful and fast-moving night some of the members adjourned to a suite to have a quite refreshment and talk about how successful the night had been.
It would be remiss to not thank all the different committees within that club that assist to organise and run events on our behalf. We are really spoilt and unless you see how other clubs run, tend to under appreciate the work that goes on behind the scenes that allow us the variety and opportunities we have.
Adrian White | Member #606
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne