Event date: 10 May 2023
On 10 May the club held its first mid-week drive for those who were available for a Wednesday morning drive followed by lunch. We met at Lillydale Lake then headed east on a relaxed, scenic tour of the Yarra Valley taking in Woori Yallock, Yarra Junction and Powelltown. The weather cleared and we were treated to some stunning scenery. Our last section was a loop around Neerim with the finish in Noojee where we were treated to a fine lunch at the Toolshed bistro.
The Toolshed was a fantastic venue decorated in a rural theme of timber and corrugated iron. Native birds were visible outside the windows and captured our interest. We were amazed by the very sizable meals, particularly the largest steak sandwich ever witnessed. A variety of participating vehicles included 2 series, 3 series, X5s and an Alpina. Thanks to Peter Williams for organising a great event.
Guy Nutting | Member #669
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne