Event date: 23 February 2021
Walking into our first event with BMW Drivers Club Melbourne we were not sure what to expect. We were sure it would be really fun; however, our expectations were exceeded when we were greeted with friendly Zagame and BMW staff that made us feel extremely welcome. The great night began at Zagame Autobody in Tullamarine. Awaiting everyone’s arrival, a very generous charcuterie board and refreshments were provided by the Zagame team.
Once everyone had arrived, Zagame team member, Andre took us on a tour of the building. As many may already know, Zagame Autobody is located on the site of what once was The Age printing press. Andre was part of the Zagame project from day one to ensure the grounds were created into a place that would allow their team to repair cars to factory specifications. The first stop along the tour was a zone where the team apply film and wraps to cars. Andre pointed out that the Zagame Autobody team use a template to cut film rather than cutting film on the car which often damages the paint. Zagame guarantee that the film will protect your car for up to 10 years.
Moving along down the building there were some awesome historic Ferrari’s which were being restored back to their original glory along with other cars that were involved in collisions. Andre stressed the importance the team put on ensuring that the cars must be restored in such a way that they replicate exactly how the factory built the car in the first place. This is so that, firstly, it looks just as good as the day it came off the line at the factory, and secondly, so it can be ready to protect the driver just as well as it did the first time if there were to be another collision.
Moving down the building to the final part of the floor is the painting booths which again, employ the same techniques as the ones used at a factory to ensure that the finish on the car is nothing short of perfect. Andre noted the importance to have the ability to elect a repairer so that when things may go wrong, you know exactly who to take the car to.
The services offered by Zagame are not going to cost you more than any other repairer and you know you are going to get the best result when taking your car to Andre and his team. After all the information we were provided with on the tour, it is safe to say that Zagame Autobody will be at the top of our list if something does go wrong in the future.
We want to give a big thanks to Zagame for hosting the BMW Drivers Club Melbourne and their support of the club as a sponsor again in 2021!
We would also like to mention that the drive up to Mt Macedon was fantastic and was very well organised. All smiles from ear to ear from us, we are definitely looking forward to future events!
Alex LoMoro and Emily Hand | Member #651
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne

At about 7.20pm after our magnificent show and tell session from the wonderful people at Zagame, we walked down to our cars ready for the drive.
Peter was leading us in his Blue MINI Clubman, of course he had to park next to my Clubman as per the MINI rules (Rule no.1). There were about 12 cars in the drive and we settled into our line and headed out.
We were all loving the pops and crackles emitting from the M4 in our group and it immediately got plenty of comments, much to the owners exclamations and joy that it was completely stock.
Soon we settled into a pack and some asked Jo if we would get to see the sunset on top of Mt Macedon. Jo replied that we would get one, just not sure where. The clouds were dappled with the afternoon setting sun and the temperature was dropping. Much to the commentary about the temperature was for the benefit of our convertible BWM friends who some of us thought were silly for keeping the top down is such conditions. It was about 13.5deg crisp and clear but that Celsius was dropping fast.
Soon we were traveling through Wallan and heading towards derit gum, I mean derriweeeet gummy, oh who can really pronounce Darraweit Guim.
We encountered some beautiful curves and lovely rolling green hills for Jo to exclaim that she liked the look of our bums, or rather taillights, but we all know what she meant.
We were guided by Peter through yet more curvy roads much to the delight of the drivers and vehicles who took the turns in the appropriate manner with machines that were just made to enjoy said curves.
Chatter on the two-way radios was full of appreciation of the curves and constant updates to the lowering temperature and how our convertible friends were fairing. I had my windows down to hear the pops and crackles better but I had to wind them up when it got down to single digits.
We approached the base of Mt Macedon as it started to get properly dark and convoy of excitement was lighting up the road ahead. We had to do a dog leg left turn to start the climb up the mountain and I came in a bit hard but "Chubby" the clubby took the corner with ease and said "please sir may I have another?".
A slow and low gear wind up the hill in the dark was exhilarating with the temperature now hitting 8.5deg, I sure hope that people brough their jackets.
Then it seemed just as soon as the fun had started we had arrived at Mt Macedon. We parked in a line and a few photos in the dark were taken and we all walked up to the cross. We had a little chat about the great drive and the road and then after about 15 mins (mainly due to the cold) went back to our cars to start the journey home.
I can certainly say for my first club drive with BWM it was an absolute blast. Thanks to Jo, Graeme, Lawrence, Shaaron and Peter for including me from ClubMini and for the amazing hospitality and warm welcome from the team at Zagame.
I hope to join you for another exciting drive soon.
Luke Devlin