Name: Dom KauKas
What make is your vehicle? BMW
What model is your vehicle? 135i E88
What year is it? 2010
Does it have a nickname? No
What engine does it have? 6 Cylinder Twin Turbo
What colour is it? Sapphire Black
When did you purchase it? 2020
What attracted you to this particular vehicle? It has everything I want
How have you modified it since purchasing it? Not yet
Generally, what do you love about it? It's great to drive
Tell us about the best drive you've had in it. It's great on the freeway.
Any improvements/modifications/restorations planned? Performance tuning, better exhaust note
In two words, how would you describe it? Great fun
Is there anything else about your car that is of interest (i.e previous celebrity owner, raced, a show winner, limited number in Australia)? Previous one owner low KMs
Thanks for sharing with us Dom! If you'd like to share your car (or motorbike!) with us, click here to submit your car or bike for next month!