The German Auto Show brings the best German vehicles together in Melbourne in one spot, with some of the quirky and now defunct brands being included.
It is not a concours, or even a show and shine, so any clean vehicle is very welcome. As long as it is German.
There is a prize for people's choice, president's choice and best of each marque, so you may even score a trophy!
The Thunderdome is a historic venue and what a great place to raise funds for a good cause, and with lots of interesting vehicles to look at and fascinating company.
We can now confirm that we will have the legendary John Bowe attending to mingle with the public, sign autographs and have his photos taken.
You might even be one of the lucky winners and have your trophy presented by John.
In 2023, BMW Motorrad are celebrating 100 years of the R32 and what a better place to hold their celebration than at the German Auto Show.
Please check out the new website dedicated to this event. See all the supporting clubs and businesses.
We will have some amazing raffle prizes this year which will also be linked to this website.
If you are wanting accommodation for before or after the event, please use this link to book your accomodation, it's only 12 minutes away from the Thunderdome and we have secured great discount pricing for this weekend.
(The discount codes are already pre selected when you use this link)
PRE REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE ON 24 AUGUST. if you do not pre-register, the GATE fee will be $20.
The event is to raise much needed funds for Beyond Blue. Last year we raised over $10,500 and we are hoping to double that figure this year. Be part of history and lets make this one of the biggest German Auto Shows EVER.
Want to help out on the day as a volunteer official? Please contact Meg and give her your inforamtion.
All donations can be made here.
There will be food for sale on the day and trade stalls too.

BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
Any questions? Contact Jo Mawson at events@bmwdcm.com.au or call 0412 661 900.