Located only metres from the beach in one direction and the cafe strip and bustling retail hub in the other, the Torquay Motor Show hosts a wide range of vehicles in a scenic and enjoyable location with plenty to see and do.
There will be a competition for the "Best in Show" with a range of different categories. There is no entry fee for the competition and no obligation to actively join in, but you may be surprised with a prize!
Entry to the Torquay Motor Show is $20 for the car and driver which can be pre-booked and paid for at TryBooking.
Charges and payments for passengers are not yet known but it was $5 per person, payable at the gate, with children entering free last year.
The Torquay Rotary Motor Show is a not for profit event with all proceeds being assigned to local, National and International Rotary Projects including Interplast and Parkinson’s Victoria.
Take a trip to "the other side of the bay" (for many of our members) for a fun day out at the seaside and join our proud display of BMWs, young or old.
There will also be a separate event on the Saturday to cruise to Torquay. We will list that as a separate event when details become available.
If you intend to stay in the Torquay area book early - February is still part of their high season and places get booked out quickly. The Torquay Hotel has some accommodation but there are many other options, including the 20 minute drive back into Geelong.
For those staying overnight we plan to organise a dinner at the Torquay Hotel for a bistro style dinner, in the bistro section (not the public bar) at 7pm on the Saturday.
We will meet up at a location to be advised at 7.45am so that we car drive into the show as a group and park together.

BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
Any questions? Contact Lawrence Glynn at secretary@bmwdcm.com.au or on 0414 563 290.