The 2023 BMW Clubs Australia Nationals will be held on the Gold Coast in March 2023.
Registration must be completed directly with the BMW Club Gold Coast by clicking here.
What is ‘The Nationals’ and why should you be a part of it.
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne is an Official BMW Club. We are one of over 800 BMW Clubs in the world, which is divided up into regions. Our region is overseen by BMW Clubs Australia.
Every 2 years BMW Clubs Australia runs the BMW Club Nationals, which is hosted in a different state in Australia each time it is held and each time a local Club hosts the event.
In March 2023 the Nationals will be held on the Gold Coast, hosted by BMW Club Gold Coast.
The Nationals will consist of fun-filled events over 3 days for everyone coming to enjoy and experience the host location. It is a perfect way to meet other Club Members from across Australia who share your passion for the cars and the Marque, make new friends and catch up with old ones.
It is also a great way to see that we are a part of a larger group of enthusiasts, that extends across the globe and make associations with other like-minded people that share your passion. Lifetime friendships have been made at these events and families are encouraged to come along too.
If you are driving up, please let us know so we could arrange for you to join to drive group up, or if you choose to fly like a few of us are, then we will join you all at the welcome event on Friday night.
Registrations are closing soon. Please ensure you register as soon as possible so that you don't miss out. Feel free to reach out to any member of the committee if you have any questions.
Special update on Motorsport at The Gold Coast Nationals
Good afternoon all from BMW Club Queensland
With our Nationals next month, it is all systems go up here! As such, we are requesting that all members who are looking forward to some track time at Morgan Park please register their interest on the BMWCQ website via the link below by Friday 17th February. Payment will not be required at that point, we are simply requesting numbers to assist with the booking to ensure the day proceeds as anticipated. Please also remember that if you would like to stay in Warwick to book early to avoid missing out.
This day is open to all levels and fantastic for beginners and experienced drivers, as instructors will be onsite to give you in car guidance if you wish. It is a great bucket list adventure as well as one of Queensland’s iconic tracks! Each session is also limited to a small number of cars on the track at once which gives you loads of room on the track and a huge amount of track time. This is not a timed event.
Here is a promo video SDT released highlighting a day at Morgan Park to share with your members Sports Driver Training Track Days - Bing video
BMWCQ has a strong female driver presence, many of whom will be attending both days! Remember, you do not need a race car, your road car is suitable and there is no pressure on the track to exceed what you are comfortable driving at. Check out all the event details when registering.
We’d love to see as many members there as we can!
Morgan Park Tuesday 21st March Registration: https://bmwcq.com.au/event-4935246?CalendarViewType=1&SelectedDate=3/3/2023
Don’t forget there is a track day at Lakeside and we encourage everyone to start showing their interest by registering for this event also. If you are looking to race, this is your day! Again, bucket list tick off as another iconic track.
Lakeside Friday 17th March Registration: https://bmwcq.com.au/event-4813191?CalendarViewType=1&SelectedDate=3/3/202
Like to Hire a BMW?
The cars below will be available for hire cars for both Lakeside and Morgan Park:
For all the vehicle specs click the attached PDF and for further information and bookings, please contact Andrew Williams - andrew.grazacind@outlook.com or 0431 399 988.
A lot of effort has been put in to organising these events to ensure everyone can make the most of these opportunities and we appreciate your understanding of requiring an indication of your interest.
If you would like to know more about how the days are run, benefits of participating etc please contatct us on 0411 467 745

BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
Any questions? Contact Jo Mawson at events@bmwdcm.com.au or on 0412 661 900.